K-12 Education

Mentored high school students build an in house low-cost sensor

LCS Poster UNT _Max & Luke v4.0.pptx

Air Pollution Educational Videos

Summer 2020, our team received a summer seed grant from UNT AERI titled "Build localized air pollution monitoring capacity using low-cost sensors and develop an air quality education program". One research objective is developing free educational materials to inform K-12 students regarding the importance of air quality. One deliverable is the two videos transcribed in both English and Spanish. The first video is a "gross" video, aiming to get people's attention on this issue. The second video is an empowerment one, aiming to enforce people with the power of taking actions. 

Please contact lu.liang@unt.edu if you are interested in using those materials or collaboration. 

Air pollution Gross Video (English Version)

Air pollution Gross Video (Spanish Version)

Empowerment Video (English Version)

Empowerment Video (Spanish Version)

Useful Resources - GIS




Useful Resources - Air pollution and Monitoring

Air Sensor Training #3: PurpleAir PA-II Sensor Installation

Cool Educational Articles

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