Undergraduate Courses
COMM 200: Human Communication Systems: "Media Technology and the Presidential Campaign" (Undergraduate)
COMM 306: Digital Technology and Politics
COMM 329: Broadcast Newswriting
COMM/POSC/LEAD/UAPP 337: Political Communication Lecture and Film Series
COMM/POSC 340: Politics and the Media
COMM 370: Theories of Mass Communication
COMM 418/618: Special Topics in Mass Communication, "News and the Presidential Campaign" (Undergraduate/Graduate)
COMM 447: National Agenda Speaker Series
COMM 450: Media Effects
Graduate Courses
COMM 604: Communication Research Methods -- Analysis
COMM 703: Strategic Communication Research
Public Engagement
Director, National Agenda Speaker Series, 2015 - present
Panelist, 2014 Constitution Week Conference, Utah Valley University Constitution Center, September 16, 2014, Orem, UT.
Co-Interviewer, National Agenda Speaker Series: Teddy Goff, University of Delaware, Oct. 29, 2014
Co-Moderator, Delaware Senatorial Debate, University of Delaware, Oct. 15, 2014
Moderator, “Fade to Black: Dark Political Humor in American Film,” University of Delaware, Fall 2014
Panelist, Deutsche Welle RIAS (Radio in the American Sector) annual meeting, “New Media, New Freedom?” Oct. 25, 2013, Washington, D.C.
2012 Road to the Presidency: The Conventions
2009, Assessing Obama's First Year Lecture Series: Plugged Into the Electorate
2008 Election Lecture Series: Media, Technology, and the Presidential Campaign