Grooming Services

 Grooming Appointment Information

Due to high customer demand in our grooming salon, our schedule frequently books days to weeks in advance. To ensure you get the day & time you want, please call as soon as possible.

** Please give a 24hr notice if you have to cancel your appointment **

Grooming at Pet Paws Salon is by appointment only.  We estimate your pick-up time upon drop off and we will work with you to accommodate your schedule. You may pick up your dog later upon request. 

We NEVER put your dog in a cage! ALL dogs get to play before their grooming session. At Pet Paws Grooming Salon, we let your dog play in our custom-designed play areas while waiting for their appointment; never in cages or kennels, unless by owner request. Feel free to bring your pet early to play, we never charge extra!

Note: Pets who prefer not to play in the playground area are placed with us in our grooming suites.