Công trình

Công trình trên các tạp chí quốc tế có phản biện:

    • U. V. Lê: The innovation among Southeast Asian countries (submitted)

    1. Tuan V. Nguyen, Thao P. Ho-Le, Ut V. Le; International collaboration in scientific research in Vietnam: an analysis of patterns and impact; Scientometrics (accepted) [ISI-SSCI]

    2. Pascali, E.; Lê, U.V.: On the zeros of the solutions of some class of differential equations; Analysis, Geometry and Number Theory (to appear)

    3. Ut V. Le, E. Pascali: A model for the problem of the cooperation/competition between infinite continuous species; Ricerche di Matematica, 62 (2013), 139-153 [MR3057391, SJR]

    4. Lê, U.V.: On a low-frequency asymptotic expansion of weak solutions of a semilinear wave equation with a boundary-like anti-periodic condition. Manuscripta Math. 138 (2012), 439-461. [ MR2916321, ISI-SCI]

    5. Lê, U.V.: A semi-linear wave equation with space-time dependent coefficients and a memory boundary-like antiperiodic condition: a low-frequency asymptotic expansion. J. Math. Phys. 52, 023510 (2011), 23 pp. [MR2798408, ISI-SCI]

    6. Lê, U.V.:A semi-linear wave equation with space-time dependent coefficients and a memory boundary-like antiperiodic condition: regularity and stability. J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010) 103504, 28 pp [MR2761318, ISI-SCI]

    7. Lê, U.V.: A general mathematical model from the collision between a free-fall hammer of a pile-driver and an elastic pile: continuous dependence and low-frequency asymptotic expansion. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 12(2011), 702–722 [MR2729055, ISI-SCIE]

    8. Lê, U.V.: Regularity of the solution of a nonlinear wave equation. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 9 (2010) 1099 – 1115. [MR2610264, ISI-SCI]

    9. Harjulehto, P.; Hasto, P.; Lê, U.V.; Nuortio, M.: Overview of differential equations with non-standard growth. Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010) 4551 – 4574. [MR2639204, ISI-SCI]

    10. Lê, U.V.: A general mathematical model from the collision between a free-fall hammer of a pile-driver and an elastic pile. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 11 (2010) 2930 – 2956. [MR2661957, ISI-SCIE]

    11. Lê, U.V.; Pascali, E.: A contraction procedure for the unique solvability of a semilinear wave equation associated with a full nonlinear damping-source term and a linear integral equation at the boundary. Mem. Differential Equations and Math. Phys. 49 (2010) 139 – 150. [MR2648175]

    12. Lê, U.V.: Contraction-Galerkin method for a semi-linear wave equation. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 9 (2010) 141-160. [MR2556750, ISI-SCI]

    13. Lê, U.V.; Nguyên, L.T.T.; Pascali, E.; Sanatpour, A.H.: Extended solutions of a system of nonlinear integro-differential equations. Le Matematiche 64 (2009) 3 – 16. [MR2799999]

    14. Lê, U.V.; Pascali, E.: Existence theorems for systems of nonlinear integro-differential equations. Ric. Mat. 58 (2009) 91-101. [MR2507795, SJR]

    15. Lê, U.V.: Global unique solvability and decays for a wave equation associated with an integral equation. Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. 149 (2009) 35-53. [MR2517750]

    16. Lê, U.V.: On a semi-linear wave equation associated with memory conditions at the boundaries: Stability and asymptotic expansion. Dyn. Partial Differ. Equ. 5 (2008) 329-347. [MR2489956, ISI-SCIE]

    17. Lê, U.V.: On a semi-linear wave equation associated with memory conditions at the boundaries: Unique existence and regularity. Dyn. Partial Differ. Equ. 5 (2008) 313-327. [MR2489955, ISI-SCIE]

    18. Lê, U.V.: The well-posedness of a semilinear wave equation associated with a linear integral equation at the boundary. Mem. Differential Equations and Math. Phys. 44 (2008) 69-88. [MR2527036]

    19. Lê, U. V.; Nguyên, L.T.T.: An existence theorem for a system of self-referred and hereditary differential equations. Electron. J. Differential Equations 51 (2008), 7 pp. [MR2392955, SJR]

    20. Nguyen, L.T.; Lê, U.V.; Nguyen, T.T.T.: A shock problem involving a linear viscoelastic bar. Nonlinear Anal. 63 (2005) 198-224. [MR2165496, ISI-SCI]
