Những thướt phim quý hiếm được phục chế cảnh sinh hoạt của các thành phố: Sài gòn,Đà lạt,Qui nhơn,Huế những năm 1945

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Thiếu Nữ Ngủ Ngày

Tác giả: Hồ Xuân Hương


Mùa hè hây hẩy gió nồm đông,

Thiếu nữ nằm chơi quá giấc nồng.

Lược trúc chải cài trên mái tóc,

Yếm đào trễ xuống dưới nương long.


Đôi gò Bồng đảo sương còn ngậm,

Một lạch Đào nguyên nước chửa thông.

Quân tử dùng dằng đi chẳng dứt,

Đi thì cũng dở, ở không xong.



Vài phút thư giãn

We all have stress in our lives. It's normal. Stress is something we need to survive. Too much stress

So stress is OK, stress is normal. Usually when people talk about being stressed it means stress levels are too high or the stress goes on too long to cope well

How to Relax ?

Have you ever come home from a hard day of work and all you want to do is relax, but you are just not sure how? Well, there are simply numerous ways to just kick back and unwind. Everyone should allow themselves time to rest. Many people have different ways of relaxing. Fishing, going shopping, driving, and reading a book are only a few of the many ways people choose to relax. I, however, will explain the process of one of the most simplest and most popular ways to relax.   


Relaxing music

Not much is needed for this almost effortless process. There are a few essentials, though, to make your time of tranquility a success. First of all you will need comfortable clothes. They should be garments that you wear around the house or clothes that you sleep in, but nothing that is too tight or uncomfortable. Loosely worn clothing is definitely preferable. Secondly, you also need your favorite snack foods, and a nice, cold drink of your choice. Third of all, a big comfy couch is necessary for this process. If you do not have a couch, a perfect substitute would be a big lazy boy chair that you can kick your feet up on. Also, you will need one of your favorite movies, VCR, and a television. Your movie choice should be based on content. A horror movie most likely will not help you relax. A soft comedy, or romance is your best bet. Last of all, and most importantly, you will need time. You need to find time from your busy schedule to relax. A couple of hours of your time will ensure your time of rest and relaxation.  


The first thing you need to do when you arrive at home is change into your most comfortable attire. Next, make your way into the kitchen and fix your favorite snack foods. While you are in the kitchen, take an ice cold drink of your choice from the freezer. After that, pop your favorite movie into the VCR. Have the remote control with you so you will not have to get up to rewind or forward through your movie. The next step will be to take your snacks and drink to your couch, or lazy boy. While you are watching your movie, eat all of the food and finish your drink. When you are through eating, sit back and continue to watch the movie. After you are done watching your movie, turn off the television and return to the couch. Next, take a nice, long nap. When you wake up, you will definitely feel revived and refreshed. 

In conclusion, making time to relax is probably the hardest part of this process. Once you find the time, the rest will be very simple. Taking time out of your day for relaxation will help you feel refreshed. Watching a movie and kicking back is a very easy process, but you should always look to try to find what helps you relax the most. Speaking from experience, time spent relaxing is time well spent.           



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