19 - Scenery Objects


Scenery Objects are a way for my voxel engine to display a higher level of detail for the world while still maintaining a very voxel/cube look. Not everything can be modeled using 'world size' cubes, and doing so would not allow for very interesting objects to be created. Sure big structures like houses, towers, hills, etc would be ok, but anything that needs a much higher level of detail could not be created. So scenery objects are basically the same as voxel sprites, except they have a few additional properties that make them ideal for modelling scenery and other details within the world.

Video Demonstration

As you can see from the video above, the scenery sprites can be scaled to any size, and also rotated. This give them much more freedom when used to model stuff in the world. Also since each scenery object can be animated independently from all the other world voxels or other scenery objects, this allows the scenery objects to feel more alive and really add some cool effects to the world.


Each scenery is stored as an individual object (since it maintains it's own world rendering matrix) and a Scenery Manager is used to handle all the management of individual scenery objects, this includes creation, updating and also rendering.