Research Summary

Research Interest by Keywords

Metric Number Theory  ||  Diophantine Approximation  ||  Continued Fractions  ||  Dynamical Systems  ||  Ergodic Theory  ||  Iterated Function Systems  ||  Shrinking Target Properties  ||  Uniform Distribution of Sequences  || Discrepancy ||  Hausdorff Dimension  ||  Fractal Geometry  ||  Generalized Numeration System  ||  Non-Archimedean Spaces  ||  a-Adic Integers  ||  p-Adic Numbers  ||  Formal Laurent Series over a Finite Field  ||  Quasi-Monte Carlo Method || Exponential Sum 

Research Summary

My research focuses on the metrical theory of numbers. This is a branch of number theory that studies and characterizes sets of numbers from a measure-theoretic or probabilistic point of view. The central theme of this theory is to determine whether a given arithmetic property holds everywhere except on an exceptional set of measure zero. Also, metric number theory includes the study of the complexity of those exceptional sets in terms of Hausdorff dimension. Nowadays, the theory is deeply intertwined with measure theory, ergodic theory, dynamical systems, fractal geometry and other areas of mathematics. This has led my research to various related directions including subsequence ergodic theory, Diophantine approximation, uniform distribution theory of sequences, metric number theory in non-Archimedean settings and quasi-Monte Carlo method. Currently, I am venturing further afield to extend the lines of research, e.g. fractals and iterated function systems, metric Diophantine approximation and shrinking target properties, ergodic theory and analytic number theory, and applications of metric number theory and dynamical systems to applied science.

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Research Achievements

The following is a list of my research achievements. Note that the bracketed numbers are referred to my publications.

Research in Progress

Currently, I am working on the following problems.