Macro Banking and Finance Workshop

The 3rd Macro Banking and Finance Workshop is hosted by the Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali of the University of Pavia on September 10-11, 2015 (sponsored by Unicredit & Foscolo Foundation).

This workshop aims at establishing a tradition of a yearly workshop among Italian-based macro-monetary, banking and finance economists. The final goal is to create synergies, foster interaction and the development of joint research projects between researchers and institutions based in Italy. Participation to these workshops by young researchers as well as Ph.D students close to thesis completion is encouraged.

Submission should be sent to:

The deadline for paper submissions is June 21, 2015. A formal decision will be made by mid-July.

Deadline for receiving the completed paper: September 4, 2015.

Call for papers here.

Workshop webpage here.