Recursos académicos

Estudios comparativos y generales

Campbell, Eric W. 2007. Zenzontepec Chatino ethnobiological classification. Unpublished manuscript. Project for the Documentation of the Languages of Mesoamerica. 

Campbell, Eric W.. 2010. Algunas isoglosas chatinas. University of Texas, Austin. Volante. 

Campbell, Eric W. 2011. Del proto-zapotecano al proto-chatino. El Quinto Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica. 7 octubre, 2011. Volante. 

Campbell, Eric W. 2012. Dos causativos chatinos: su semántica y desarrollo diacrónico. COLOV 5 - Oaxaca, México, 20 Abril 2012. Volante.

Campbell, Eric & Cruz, Emiliana. 2010. El sistema numérico del proto-chatino. In Las memorias del Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica-IV. Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. 

Campbell, Eric W. & Woodbury, Anthony C. 2010. The comparative tonology of Chatino: A prolegomenon. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Annual Meeting, at LSA, Baltimore, MD. Handout.

Cruz, Emiliana, & Woodbury, Anthony C. 2014. Collaboration in the context of teaching, scholarship, and language revitalization: Experience from the Chatino Language Documentation Project. Language Documentation & conservation 8:262-286. Special issue: Keren Rice & Bruna Franchetto, (guest eds.), Community Collaboration in the Americas.

Cruz, Emiliana, & Woodbury, Anthony C. 2015. Finding a way into a family of tone languages: The story and methods of the Chatino Language Documentation Project. Language documentation & conservation 8:490-524. Special Issue: Steven Bird & Larry Hyman (guest eds.), How to study a tone language.

Cruz, Emiliana; Cruz, Hilaria; Figueroa, Reginaldo; McIntosh, Justin; Woodbury Camille & Woodbury, Anthony C. 2010. Ditransitivos en el chatino oriental. Taller de las construcciones ditransitivas en lenguas de Mesoamérica, CIESAS-Sureste, agosto, 2010.

McIntosh, Justin D. & Villard Stéphanie. 2011. Existencia, localización, posesión y estados de ‘ser’ en dos lenguas chatinas. Memorias del V Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica, 6-8 de octubre de 2011, Universidad de Texas en Austin. 

Villard, Stéphanie & J. Ryan Sullivant. 2013. ¿Por qué no das clases de inglés?. Obstacles to language revitalization in two Chatino communities. SSILA Special Session: Latin American Contexts for Language Documentation and Revitalization. Boston, MA, January 5, 2013. Powerpoint. pptx

Woodbury, Anthony C. 2009. On the internal classification of Chatino. Manuscript. University of Texas at Austin. 

Woodbury, Anthony C. 2010. ¿Cómo encontrar los tonos de una lengua otomangue?: Lo que aprendí de Thom Smith Stark, y de los chatinos. Coloquio sobre Lenguas Otomangues y Vecinas IV: Thomas Smith Stark. Oaxaca, Mexico. Ponencia. Powerpoint. 

Woodbury, Anthony C. 2012. The astonishing typological diversity of Chatino tone systems: A work in progress. 11th Workshop on American Indian Languages, University of California at Santa Barbara.  

Woodbury, Anthony C. 2012. La diversidad tipológica del tono en los idiomas chatinas. XII Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste, Hermosillo, Sonora. Powerpoint con archivos audios wav. 

Woodbury, Anthony C. 2014. Verb inflection in Chatino languages: The separate life cycles of prefixal vs. tonal conjugational classes. Powerpoint. Paper presented to the Workshop on inflectional morphology and verb classes in the Oto-Manguean languages of Mexico, Surrey Morphology Group, University of Surrey, Guilford, UK. 

El chatino de Santa Cruz Zenzontepec

Campbell, Eric W. 2008. Transitivity in Zenzontepec Chatino. Unpublished manuscript. University of Texas at Austin. 

Campbell, Eric W. 2009. Zenzontepec Chatino Aspect Morphology and Zapotecan Verb Classes. Master's Thesis. University of Texas at Austin.

Campbell, Eric W. 2009. Sound symbolism in Zenzontepec Chatino. Unpublished manuscript. Project for the Documentation of the Languages of Mesoamerica.

Campbell, Eric W. 2013. Towards an account of tonal complexity in Zenzontepec Chatino (Otomanguean) verbal inflection. SSILA Special Session: Inflectional Classes in the Languages of the Americas. Boston, MA, January 6, 2013. Handout.

Campbell, Eric W. 2014. Aspects of the Phonology and Morphology of Zenzontepec Chatino, a Zapotecan Language of Oaxaca, Mexico. Doctoral dissertation. University of Texas at Austin.

Campbell, Eric. To appear. Clasificación de verbos en el chatino de Zenzontepec y sus ramificaciones en el zapotecano. Proceeding of the Coloquio María Teresa Fernández de Miranda. Oaxaca.

El chatino de Tataltepec de Valdés

Sullivant, John Ryan. 2010. Discrimination between high and low tones in Tataltepec de Valdés Chatino: A Report from an English Pilot Study. Manuscript. University of Texas at Austin. 

Sullivant, John Ryan. 2011. Tataltepec Chatino Verb Classification and Aspect Morphology. Master's Thesis. University of Texas at Austin. 

Sullivant, J. Ryan. 2011. Tyaʔà: el clasificador numérico del chatino de Tataltepec de Valdés. Memorias del V Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica, 6-8 de octubre de 2011, Universidad de Texas en Austin. 

Sullivant, John Ryan. 2015. The Phonology and Inflectional Morphology of Cháʔknyá, Tataltepec de Valdés Chatino, a Zapotecan Language. Doctoral dissertation. University of Texas at Austin

Sullivant, John Ryan & Anthony C. Woodbury. 2012. El tono y el sandhi del tono en el chatino de Tataltepec de Valdés.  In Las memorias del Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica-IV. Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. 

Sullivant, John Ryan. 2013. The tones of Tataltepec Chatino. SSILA Winter Meeting, Boston, January 4, 2013. Zipped folder with Powerpoint and linked wav audio files. 

El chatino oriental de San Juan Quiahije

Cruz, Emiliana. 2004. The Phonological Patterns and Orthography of San Juan Quiahije Chatino. Master's Thesis. University of Texas at Austin. 

Cruz, Emiliana. 2008. Sustantivos poseídos del chatino de San Juan Quiahije. Proceedings of the Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America-III. Organized by the Center for Indigenous Languages of Latin America (CILLA), Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. 

Cruz, Emiliana. 2008. Contando en chatino de San Juan Quiahije (SJQ). Francisco de Burgoa, UABJO. Memorias del Coloquio Maria Fernandez de Miranda. Oaxaca, Mexico.

Cruz, Emiliana. 2011. Phonology, tone, and the functions of tone in San Juan Quiahije Chatino. Doctoral dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. 

Cruz, Emiliana & Anthony C. Woodbury. 2006. El sandhi de los tonos en el Chatino de Quiahije. En Las memorias del Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica-II. Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. 

Cruz, Emiliana, & Anthony C. Woodbury. 2013. Tonal complexity in San Juan Quiahije Eastern Chatino compound verb inflection. SSILA Special Session: Inflectional Classes in the Languages of the Americas. Boston, MA, January 6, 2013. Handout. 

Cruz, Hilaria. 2007. Chatino situation types. Manuscript. University of Texas at Austin.

Cruz, Hilaria. 2008. Interrogative Constructions in San Juan Quiahije Chatino. Manuscript. University of Texas at Austin.

Cruz, Hilaria. 2008. Notion of base in some motion verbs in San Juan Quiahije Chatino. Manuscript. University of Texas at Austin. 

Cruz, Hilaria. 2009. Persuasive speech of San Juan Quiahije governmental authorities: a comprehensive analysis of poetic, rhetorical, and linguistic structure of traditional Chatino oratory. Master's Thesis. Unversity of Texas at Austin. 

Cruz, Hilaria. 2013. Persuasion and Positional Verbs in San Juan Quiahije, Eastern Chatino, Verbal Art. SSILA Winter Meeting, Boston, January 5, 2013. Handout.

Cruz, Hilaria. 2014. Linguistic poetics and rhetoric of Eastern Chatino of San Juan Quiahije. 2014. Doctoral dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. 

Cruz, Hilaria & Anthony C. Woodbury. 2010. Parallelism and elipsis in Chatino speech: the borders of poetry and grammar. Symposium about language and society—Austin (SALSA). University of Texas, Austin. Talk. Handout. 

Hammick, Adam. 2008. Community-based Chatino literacy education. M.A. Thesis, UT Austin, Department of Linguistics.

Mesh, Kathryn. 2017. Points of comparison: What indicating gestures tell us about the origins of signs in the San Juan Quiahije Chatino sign language. Doctoral dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. 

Smith-Stark, Thomas, Hilaria Cruz y Emiliana Cruz. 2008. Complementación en el chatino de San Juan Quiahije. Proceedings of the Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America-III. Organized by the Center for Indigenous Languages of Latin America (CILLA), Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.

Sullivant, John Ryan. 2010. An acoustic representation of tone in the Chatino of San Juan Quiahije and suggestions for a tone perception experiment. Manuscript. University of Texas at Austin.

Sullivant, John Ryan. 2011. Tone Alignment in San Juan Quiahije Chatino. Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO) XL. 1 October, 2011.

Woodbury, Anthony C. 2008. Tone in SJQ Chatino verb inflection for person and number. Manuscript. University of Texas at Austin. 

Woodbury, Anthony C. 2008. Guide to data usage in Toolbox SJQProject_1.0. Manuscript. University of Texas at Austin. 

El chatino oriental de San Miguel Panixtlahuaca

Kingston, John & Anthony C. Woodbury. 2014. Emergence from tone of vowel register and graded nasalization in the Eastern Chatino of San Miguel Panixtlahuaca, Part 1. Paper given at and at the Workshop on the Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America, Yale University, April 4, 2014, and at the Workshop on Language Variation and Change, University of Chicago, April 14, 2014

El chatino oriental de San Marcos Zacatepec

Cruz, Hilaria & Anthony C. Woodbury. 2006. La fonología y tonología comparativa del Chatino: un informe de campo en Zacatepec. In Las memorias del Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica-II. Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. 

Villard, Stephanie. 2008. Los tonos del chatino de San Marcos Zacatepec. In Las memorias del Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica-III. Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. 

Villard, Stéphanie. 2009. Grammatical Sketch of Zacatepec Chatino. Master's Thesis. University of Texas at Austin. 

Villard, Stéphanie. 2010. Zacatepec Chatino verb classification and aspect morphology. In Las memorias del Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica-IV. Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. 

Villard, Stéphanie. 2012. Sandhi tonal en el chatino oriental de San Marcos Zacatepec. Presentación, COLOV V, Oaxaca, México. 

Villard, Stéphanie. 2012. La tonología verbal en el chatino oriental de Zacatepec. Presentación, EILN XII, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, México. 

Villard, Stéphanie. 2015. The phonology and morphology of Zacatepec Chatino. Doctoral dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. 

Villard, Stéphanie & Anthony C. Woodbury. 2012. The typology of tone in San Marcos Zacatepec Eastern Chatino. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. Handout. 

Woodbury, Anthony C. 2014. The exuberant tonal system of San Marcos Zacatepec Eastern Chatino. Paper presented to the Surrey Morphology Group, University of Surrey, Guilford, UK. 

El chatino oriental de Santa Lucía Teotepec

McIntosh, Justin. 2010. Los tonos del chatino de Santa Lucía Teotepec. In Las memorias del Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica-IV. Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. 

McIntosh, Justin. 2011. Grammatical Sketch of Teotepec Chatino. Master's Thesis. University of Texas at Austin. 

McIntosh, Justin D. 2012. Morfología tonal en el Chatino de Santa Lucía de Teotepec. Presentación, EILN XII, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, México. 

McIntosh, Justin D. 2015. Aspects of phonology and morphology of Teotepec Eastern Chatino. Doctoral dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. 

El chatino oriental de Santiago Yaitepec

Woodbury, Anthony C. 2008. Yaitepec Chatino verb inflection tone. Manuscript. University of Texas at Austin.