Lena Hensvik
Updated June 2023
Uppsala University
P.O. Box 513
SE-751 20, Uppsala
Office phone: +46 (0)18 471 60 54
E-mail: Lena.Hensvik@nek.uu.se
2019 Professor of Economics at Uppsala University
2016 Docent in Economics at Uppsala University
2011 Ph.D. in Economics, Uppsala University
Dissertation: “The Effects of Markets, Managers and Peers on Worker Outcomes”
Professor, Economics Department, Uppsala University current
Associate Professor, Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy 2011-2019
Affiliated researcher, Uppsala Center for Labor Studies (UCLS) current
Visiting Researcher, Stockholm School of Economics Spring 2018
Visiting Scholar, Stanford Institute for Policy Research, Stanford University 2010-2011
Visiting Student, Department of Economics, Harvard University 2008-2009
ON MATERNITY LEAVE: Jan 2014-Jan 2015, Feb 2019-Jan 2020
Hensvik L and ON Skans (2023) "The Skill-Specific Impact of Past and Projected Occupational Decline", Labour Economics (2023): 102326..
Hensvik L., D. Müller and ON Skans, (2023) "Connecting the Young: High School Graduates' Matching to First jobs in Booms and Great Recessions", The Economic Journal 133.652 (2023): 1466-1509.
Eliason M, L Hensvik, F Kramarz and O N Skans, (2023) "Social Connections and the Sorting of Workers to Firms", Journal of Econometrics 233.2 (2023): 468-506..
Azmat, G., Hensvik, L. and Rosenqvist, O. (2022) "Workplace Preseenteism, "Job substitutability and Gender Inequality", Journal of Human Resources (2022): 1121-12014R2
Adermon, A. and Hensvik. L. (2022), "Gig-jobs: stepping stones or dead ends?", CEPR Discussion Paper DP15420, Labour Economics 76 (2022): 102171.
Grönqvist E., Hensvik L. and Thoresson A. (2021) "Teacher Career Opportunities and School Quality", Labour Economics, 2021 May 14:101997..
Hensvik L., Le Barbanchon T. and Rathelot, R. (2021) "Job Search During the COVID-19 Crisis", IZA DP No. 13237, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 194, February 2021, 104349
Hensvik L., and O. Rosenqvist, (2019), "Keeping the Production Line Running: Internal Substitution and Employee absence", Journal of Human Resources 54.1 (2019): 200-224.
Fredriksson P., Hensvik L and O N Skans, (2018) "Mismatch of Talent? Evidence on Match Quality, Job Mobility and Entry Wages", American Economic Review, vol 108, No. 11, November.
Hensvik L. and O N Skans (2016),"Social Networks, Employee Selection and Labor Market Outcomes", Journal of Labor Economics, volume 34, no. 4, pp 825-867 (Awarded the H. Gregg Lewis Prize for best paper in Journal of Labor Economics 2016-17).
Hensvik L. and O N Skans, (2014), "Networks and Youth Labor Market Entry", Nordic Economic Policy Review, Issue 1 pp. 81-117.
Hensvik L. (2014), "Manager Impartiality? Worker-Firm Matching and the Gender Wage Gap", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 67, No. 2, April.
Åslund, O, Hensvik L and O N Skans (2014), "Seeking Similarity: How Immigrants and Natives Manage at the Labor Market", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 32, No. 3, July.
Hensvik L (2012), "Competition, Wages and Teacher Sorting: Lessons Learned from a Voucher Reform", Economic Journal, Vol. 122, Issue 561, pp.799-824. (Awarded the CESifo Prize in Employment and Social Protection)
Eliason M, L Hensvik, F Kramarz and O N Skans, (2017) "The Causal Impact of Social Connections on Firm's Outcomes", IFAU Working Paper 2017:11 .
Nilsson P and Hensvik L, "Businesses, Buddies and Babies: Social Ties and Fertility at Work", IFAU Working Paper 2010:9.
Fredriksson, P., Graetz, G., Hensvik, L., and Seim., David (2023) Strukturomvandling på svensk arbetsmarknad: konsekvenser och policyåtgärder- SNS konjunkturrådsrapport 2023, SNS förlag, Stockholm.
Nordström Skans, and L Hensvik (2020) "IZA COVID-19 Crisis Response Monitoring: Sweden".
Nordström Skans, O., S Eriksson and L Hensvik (2017) Åtgärder för en inkluderande arbetsmarknad – SNS konjunkturrådsrapport 2017, SNS förlag, Stockholm
Forslund, A., L. Hensvik, O. Nordström Skans and A. Westerberg (2014), ”Avtalslöner, löner och sysselsättning”, IFAU Rapport 2014:8.
Forslund, A., L. Hensvik, O. Nordström Skans and A. Westerberg (2014), ”Kollektivavtalen och ungdomars faktiska begynnelselöner”, IFAU Rapport 2012:19.
Hanspers, K. and L. Hensvik, (2011),“Konkurrens och Sysselsättning – En Empirisk Studie av Fem Marknader”, SOU 2010:93, Bilaga 7 till Långtidsutredningen 2011.
Le Barbanchon, T., Hensvik, L. and Rathelot R., (2021) "Hur har jobbsökandet förändras under COVID-19?", IFAU Rapport 2021:1.
Grönqvist, E., Hensvik, L. and Thoresson, A. (2020) Minskar lärarrörligheten och förbättras studieresultaten av karriärsetgsreformen?"; 2020:3.
Azmat, G., Hensvik, L. and O. Rosenqvist (2020) "Familjebildning och karriär-konsekvenser av oförutsägbar frånvaro", IFAU Rapport 2020:11.
Adermon, A. and L. Hensvik (2020) "Gig-ekonomin som dörröppnare", IFAU Rapport 2020:22.
Hensvik, L. and Nordström Skans, O (2019) "Jobbpolarisering och efterfrågan på olika förmågor på framtidens arbetsmarknad", IFAU Rapport 2019:30.
Hensvik., L., Nordström Skans, O., and D. Muller (2017) "Kontakterna och konjunturen: jobb under skoltiden och inträdet på arbetsmarknaden", IFAU Rapport 2017:1.
Nordström Skans, O., S Eriksson and L Hensvik (2017) "Den svenska arbetsmarknaden och dess utmaningar", IFAU Rapport 2017:5.
Eliason M, L Hensvik, F Kramarz and O. Nordström Skans ”Informella kontaktnäts betydelse för arbetssökande och företag på den svenska arbetsmarknaden”, IFAU Rapport 2017:11.
Hensvik, L, D Müller and O Nordström Skans (2017) ”Kontakterna och konjunkturen: jobb under skoltiden och inträdet på arbetsmarknaden” Ekonomisk Debatt, årgång 45, nr 1, s. 44-52.
Hensvik L, O Nordström Skans and O Åslund (2010) ” Sådan chef, sådan anställd? – Rekryteringsmönster hos invandrade och infödda chefer” Ekonomisk Debatt årg. 38, nr.3, s. 39-52.
Hensvik L and O Rosenqvist (2015) “Sjukfrånvaro och anställningar till unika positioner” IFAU Rapport 2015:22.
Fredriksson P, L Hensvik and O Nordström Skans (2015) ”Rätt man på rätt plats? Matchning ingångslöner och separationer” IFAU Rapport 2015:20.
Hensvik L and O Nordström Skans (2013) ”Kontakter och ungdomars arbetsmarknadsinträde” IFAU Rapport 2013:20.
Hensvik L and O Nordström Skans (2013) ”Hur arbetslivserfarenhet och nätverk kan förändra avkastningen på förmågor och utbildning” IFAU Rapport 2013:14.
Hensvik L (2012) ”Påverkar chefens kön den anställdes lön?” IFAU Rapport 2011:26.
Hensvik L (2012) ”Leder skolkonkurrens till högre löner? En studie av den svenska friskolereformen” IFAU Rapport 2010:12.
Scheduled 2023 University of Bonn (April), UCL (May), University of Copenhagen (May), UCLS Annual Meeting (September), EALE (September), Tinbergen (November), UPF (November)
Spring 2021- Microeconomics (Undergraduate level)
Spring 2016- 2018 Management and Analysis of Big Data (PhD level)
Spring 2010-2016 Advanced STATA Course (PhD level)
PhD student Adam Gill, Main advisor, expected to graduate in 2026
PhD Student Dogan Gulumser, Main advisor, expected to graduate in 2025
PhD Student Tianze Liu, Co-advisor, expected to graduate in 2025
PhD Student Erika Forsberg, Co-advisor, expected to graduate in 2024
2020-2022 Editorial board, Labour Economics
American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, The Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Labor Economics, Economic Journal, Journal of European Economic Association, European Economic Review, Journal of Population Economics, Labour Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics.
Member of SNS Scientific Council (2020-)
Member of Fores Scientific council for migration and integration (2015-2020)
Scientific advisor to Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter regarding their "reviews of facts" ("Fakta i frågan") from 2020-.
2021-2026 Swedish Research Council Consolidator Grant for the project "Worker-firm matching in the labour market: evidence from online search and realized outcomes" (principal investigator, $ 1,400,000)
2019-2024 Grant from the Swedish Research council for the project “Technological Change and the Labor Market” (co-investigator, $ 1,893,475)
2019-2020 Grant from Forte for the project “Effects of the socioeconomic resource allocation in Swedish schools” (co-investigator, $ 220,000)
2018-2021 Forte Junior Research Grant for the project “Can automatic recommendations improve the job finding rate and the labor market outcomes of Swedish job seekers?” (principal investigator, $ 616,912)
2017-2019 Forte grant for the project ”How has Sweden's recent education reforms affected the labor market for teachers and the youth labor market entry?” (principal investigator, $ 307,000)
2014-2017 Ragnar Söderberg Projekt i Nationalekonomi for the project “Empirical Studies of the Microfoundations of Macroeconomic Theory” (co-investigator Mikael Carlsson, $1,067,631).
2011 STINT Sweden-Korea Research Program (principal investigator, $21,500)
2011 Wallander scholarship granted to young prominent researchers including full funding for post doctoral research for 3-years ($218,700).
2018 Best Paper Award: H. Gregg Lewis Prize for the best paper published in JOLE during 2016 and 2017
2012 The CESifo Prize in Employment and Social Protection for the paper “Competition, Wages and Teacher Sorting: Lessons Learned from a Voucher Reform”.
2007 Wallander scholarship for doctoral studies abroad ($50,000).