ISTC 2018

ISTC 2018, 2018/12/05, Hong Kong

ISTC 2018, 2018/12/06, Hong Kong

Landmark building, HK PloyU, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/03, Hong Kong

Presentation, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/06, Hong Kong

Discuss with Boxiao, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/06, Hong Kong

Discuss with Prof. Yoshiyuki Kabashima from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/06, Hong Kong

With Prof. H. A. Loeliger (IEEE Fellow) from ETH Zurich, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/06, Hong Kong

With Prof. Shu Lin (IEEE Life Fellow) from University of California at Davis, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/03, Hong Kong

With Prof. jinhong Yuan (IEEE Fellow) from University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and Porf. Xiaojun Yuan from UESTC, China, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/06, Hong Kong

With Prof. S. ten Brink (IEEE Fellow) from University of Stuttgart, Germany, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/06, Hong Kong

With Prof. Li Ping (my supervisor in HK) and other young scholars, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/05, Hong Kong

With Prof. Jinhong Yuan, Chunlin Yan (from ZTE), Xiaojie Wang and other young scholars, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/05, Hong Kong

ISTC 2018, 2018/12/06, Hong Kong

HK PloyU, ISTC 2018, 2018/12/07, Hong Kong