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Legs Exercise.

free squat


This is an alternate to the wall slides. If you have difficulty with the wall slides, start with this exercise first and have a chair in front AND behind you for support.

leg press

The 3 major muscles groups worked are the Quadriceps (front of thigh), the Hamstrings (back of thigh) and the Gluteals (backside).

Execution of the leg press

Leg extension

The leg extension is a resistance weight training exercise that targets the quadriceps muscle in the legs. The exercise is done using a machine called the Leg Extension Machine.


1. Sit on the leg extension with your back firmly on the back rest.

2. Press the back of your knees firmly against the edge of the seat.

3. The leg extension pads should be set just above your ankles. Place your ankles under the extension pads. Keep your head level and place your hands on the grips.


1. Slowly raise the weight by extending both legs upwards to the straightened position. Do not jerk the weight up.

2. Hold this position for one second. Slowly lower the weight back to the start position. Repeat movement.

Leg curl



The Good Morning

1.Load the bar with the appropriate weight and step underneath it.

2. Put your body directly in the center of the bar. Place the bar in the same spot that you use when performing the squat.

3. Place your feet approximately shoulder width apart, directly under the bar. Maintain the lordotic curve in your low back with your chest up.

4.Your head is pointed straight ahead or slightly upward. Do not look down. The body follows the head.Take a deepbreath and slightly flex your knees. Under control, start to bend forward, maintaining the normal curvature of your lower back.

5. As you lower your torso, keep looking straight ahead. This will help keep your back in its proper position. Lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor and then reverse directions and raise your torso to the starting position.


The deadlift is a weight training exercise where one lifts a loaded barbell (or, in the case of the trapbar deadlift, a loaded trapbar) off the ground from a stabilized bent-over position. It is one of the three gauges of powerlifting, and is an excellent exercise for overall body development if done properly.

The deadlift is a compound movement that works grip strength, and the primary muscles used in the deadlift are the erector spinae, the gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, hamstrings, quadriceps, and the soleus.

Start with your feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, and a dumbbell in each hand. Keep you abs tight and your back straight as you lower through your hips. Be sure to keep the dumbbells close to your body. This will help you keep your back straight. To return to the starting position, push your heels into the floor as you tighten your glutes and hamstrings.

Remember to keep you back straight or you won’t increase your range of motion. So with a flat back, lower until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Bending your lower back during this exercise doesn’t have any effect on your hamstrings, it only increases your chances of injury.




Sumo Squat with dumbell


Standing Calf Raise

Action (see above)