———coordination of funded Research projects ———
2024 - 2025: “Housing tension in France”, Research project financed by the Ministère de la Cohésion des Territoires et des Relations avec les Territoires, co-direction with M.-L. Breuillé (CESAER)
2023 - 2026: “Land take in France: determinants, regulation models and consequences for the housing market”, Research project financed by the Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté, co-direction with M.-L. Breuillé (CESAER)
2022 - 2024: “From mediatic myths to socio-economic realities: spatial dynamics and heterogeneity of rural spaces”, Research project financed by the Ministère de la Cohésion des Territoires et des Relations avec les Territoires, co-direction with M.-L. Breuillé (CESAER)
2022 - 2023: "Evaluation of the perequative performance of the State to municipalities and inter-municipal groups”, Research project for the Réseau Finances Locales, co-direction with M.-L. Breuillé (CESAER)
2021 - 2022: “The effects of collaborative economy on the housing market”, Research project financed by the Ministère de la Cohésion des Territoires et des Relations avec les Territoires, co-direction with M.-L. Breuillé (CESAER)
2018 - 2020: “Rent indicators”, Research project financed by the Ministère de la Cohésion des Territoires et des Relations avec les Territoires, co-direction with M.-L. Breuillé (CESAER)
2016 - 2017: “The determinants of the formation of rents”, Research project financed by the Ministère du Logement, de l’Egalité des Territoires et de la Ruralité, co-direction with M.-L. Breuillé (CESAER) and I. Nappi-Choulet (ESSEC)
2016 - 2021: “Integrative mechanisms for addressing spatial justice and territorial inequalities in Europe”, H2020 Project coordinated by the University of Aberystwyth (Wales), direction of the research team for CESAER
2015 - 2019: “Benefits of urban densification in the perspective of the Grand Paris Express”, research grant of la Société du Grand Paris, co-direction with M.- L. Breuillé