4. Madanalysis with displacement

An extended version of Madanalysis 5.1.3, able to process and analyze object displacements from the event files.

Note: The vertex information is read from either STDHEP files (generated e.g. by pythia) or from the new LHCO files as produced by the root2lhco script in our patched Delphes software above. This extended LHCO format contains the additional fields that accommodate the displacement information.

Three new macros are made available in the simplified interface:

- DXY(obj) : Transverse (2D) impact parameter of the track associated with obj

- CTAU(obj): Full (3D) displacement of origin of track(s) associated with obj

- VERTT(obj): Transverse (2D) displacement of origin of track(s) associated with obj

(NB: for jets, the displacement was defined in Delphes with an ad hoc algorithm.)