
License: all software/codes in this sites are free distributed if you follow below items.

  • Permission to use or copy this software/codes/library for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the copyright notice, this list of condition are retained on all copies.

  • The name of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

YaMLC++ (version 0.6c):

Type: Win32 binary

Features: a collection of machine learning algorithms + an easy to used GUI for performing machine learning experiments.

Download: [Win32 binary] (zip format, 3556KB)

Documents: [FAQ] (pdf format, 256KB)

Last update: Aug 21, 2006.

LibCART + Feature Selection Pack:

Type: SDK with C/C++ head/library for WIN32

Features: decision tree algorithms + feature selections

Download: [Win32 SDK] (zip format,5524KB)

Visual Feature Extraction Toolkit: (CVPR08 paper)

Type: Win32 binary code

Features: a toolkit for visual feature extraction from images

Download: (WIN32 binary, 3212KB)

Fast Gabor Transform (ICIP07 paper)

Type: source code

Languages: C/C++

Features: Fast 2D Gabor/Log-Gabor transform.

Download: [Win32 Source Code and binary] (7z format, 366kB)

Build DLL for LAPACK/BLAS using Intel Compilers?

Type: Open source + binary

Features: Intel Fortran Project scripts for LAPACK, BLAS, CBLAS, and pre-built DLLs.

Download: [BuildScripts]

[Win32 Prebuilt DLL]

[CHM Manual]

Optimized BLAS/CBLAS build for Win32/Win64?

Type: binary based on the OpenBLAS 0.11

Features: Specially optimized for Intel Core2 processor and afterward.

Efficient to replace GSL and OpenCV BLAS functions like GEMM.

Contain both BLAS and CBLAS interfaces (good for both row-major and column-major matrix access).

Download: [DLL]

Last update this page: Jan 20, 2009.

Copyright (C) Jianguo Lee 2006~2009.