(Selected) Invited Talks

  • "Mirror symmetry of pairings", SNU Math Colloquium, Apr 2022.

  • "Generalized Kodaira-Spencer maps", Symplectic Geometry and Beyond (Part 1, on the occasion of Y.-G. Oh's 61st birthday), Feb 2022.

  • "Twisted Jacobian algebras as endomorphism algebras of equivariant matrix factorizations", Thursday Geometry Seminar at KIAS, Dec 2021.

  • "Mirror symmetry of pairings", Geometry Seminar at Yonsei University, Mar 2021.

  • "Generalized Kodaira-Spencer maps and orbifold Jacobian algebras", Legendrians, Cluster Algebras and Mirror Symmetry(IBS CGP), Jan 2021.

  • "Lagrangian Floer theory and orbifold Jacobian algebras", 2020 Symposium in Algebraic Geometry, Dec 2020.

  • "A geometric construction of orbifold Jacobian algebras", Harvard CMSA Geometry and Physics Seminar, Jul 2020.

  • "Algebraic aspects in symplectic geometry", Series of lectures in F-seminar, May 2020.

  • "Orbifold Jacobian rings from Lagrangian Floer theory", Floer Homology Bootcamp, Dec 2019.

  • "Twisted FOOO algebras and orbifold Jacobian rings", Geometry Seminar at University of Alberta, Nov 2019.

  • "Mirror symmetry of pairings", Geometry Seminar at Boston University, Oct 2019.

  • "An introduction to Lagrangian Floer theory and localized mirror functors", Geometric Structures Laboratory at The Fields Institute, Sep 2019.

  • "Introduction to SYZ", Graduate Summer School on Homological Mirror Symmetry at The Fields Institute, Jul 2019.

  • "Orbifold Jacobian algebras from Lagrangian Floer theory", Sinchon Workshop on Algebraic Geometry, Yonsei University, Jun 2019.

  • "Pairings in mirror symmetry between a symplectic manifold and a Landau-Ginzburg B-model", Wall-crossing formula, open GW invariants and related areas, POSTECH, Oct 2018.

  • "Pairings in mirror symmetry between a symplectic manifold and a Landau-Ginzburg B-model", Workshop on Matrix Factorizations and Mirror Symmetry, KIAS, Oct 2018.

  • "Mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau categories", Winter School on Higher Categories and TQFT, KIAS, 2016.

  • "Examples of matrix factorizations from SYZ", Small Workshop of Mirror Symmetry in Chiba University, Feb 2013.