
[1] Density of the real quadratic fields with the form of minimal elements of the continued fractions, preprint.

[2] Note on relative class number one problem of real quadratic fields, submitted

[3] Classification for existence of the continued fraction expansions of $\sqrt{d}$ and $(1+\sqrt{d})/2$, Integers 24 (2024) Paper No. 50, 7 pp

[4] Prime-producing polynomials related to class number one problem of number fields,  Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 59 (2023) no. 2, 315-323

[5] Existence of the continued fractions of $\sqrt{d}$ and its applications, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 59 (2022) no. 3, 697-707

[6] Relative class number one problem of real quadratic fields and continued fraction of $\sqrt{m}$ with period $6$, East Asian Math. J. 37 (2021) no.5, 613-617

[7] Evaluation of the zeta functions of totally real number fields and its application, East Asian Math. J. 35 (2019) ,  85-90

[8] (with St\'{e}phane R. Louboutin) Fundamental units for a family of totally real cubic orders and the diophantine equation u(u+a)(u+2a)=v(v+1),  International Journal of Number Theory, 13 (2017), 1729-1746

[9] (with St\'{e}phane R. Louboutin) Discriminants of cyclic cubic orders, J. Number Theory, 168 (2016), 64-71

[10] (with St\'{e}phane R. Louboutin) Determination of the orders generated by a cyclic cubic unit that are Galois invariant, J. Number Theory, 148 (2015), 33-39

[11] (with St\'{e}phane R. Louboutin) On the fundamental units of some cubic orders generated by units, Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no.3, 283-299

[12] Evaluation of the Dedekind zeta functions at s=-1 of the simplest quartic fields, J. Number Theory, 143 (2014), 24-45

[13] Class number one criterion for some non-normal totally real cubic fields, Taiwanese J. Math. 17 (2013), no. 3, 981-989

[14] (with Min-Soo Kim) On sums of products of the extended q-Euler numbers, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 397 (2013), no. 2, 522-528

[15] (with Seung Ju Cheon and Hyun Kwang Kim) Evaluation of the Dedekind zeta functions of some non-normal totally real cubic fields at negative odd integers, Manuscripta Math. 124 (2007), 551-560