


English Translation: to Bite

See also:


Example Sentences

Daldra sotanek gaal dusa.

(The) dog bites (the) cat's tail.

Daldra sotanok gaal dusa.

(The) dog bit (the) cat's tail.

Daldra sotanara gaal dusa.

(The) dog will bite (the) cat's tail.

Daldra ennek sotada gaalo-duso.

(The) dog is (the) biter of (the) cat's tail.

Gaal dusa sotadai ennek.

(The) cat's tail is able to be bitten.

Lit. Translation: (The) cat's tail able to be bitten is.

Gaal dusa sotanai ennek.

(The) cat's tail is not able to be bitten.

Lit. Translation: (The) cat's tail able to be bitten is not.

Sotatara ennek daldraton.

(The) bite is from (the) dog.