2014-CdLEF1- Sunscapes

   October 2014


Cover by Rox75, (c) 2014

Tracks:                                    Time:

- Sunscape12                         5.32

- Sunscape25                         2.55

- Sunscape31                         7.14

- Sunscape46                        10.43

- Sunscape50                         6.00

- Sunscape67                         4.26

- Sunscape74                         6.38

- Sunscape83                         5.33

- Sunscape98                        12.00


Total time : 61 minutes

All songs composed and produced By Dario Latilla


12:  Wind, fire, mallet - quiet output-cosmic sfx-it's a dark age in 4 parts.

25:  Fear of the shades, whawhasolo, diamond percussions - short track 

31:  Distorted intro, then hard rhythm supports celestial organ. Trumpet solo, morphing thru the bells. Whawha stops here.

46:  It begins as trance, then a bum-bum. Technorock for hi-speed. Acid speech/ensemble dream. Too long...too late.

50:  From ARP 'till drum. ARP echoes, minimal monotune basslines. A SUNtriumph

67:  Space intro. Vector synth moves across 4 midi channels. I sing "aahahahaaha". Metal bell variable.

74:  Rock is not dead! Basic bass, power drum, several guitars. Guess if this music is sunny or not!

83:  It began in Rock. No. Relax with viola. Fireworks in crescendo. Have you ever dreamt Madagascar?

98:  Didgeridoo talks, dances. A chill-out uns/unz. Fabulous synthy effects. The SUNflutes, the choirs too. A modern sunny age. That's all.