Domestic iconology (2009)

'Domestic iconology' ('Iconologia domestica') is a group of twelve paintings (50 x 50 cm each, acrylic on canvas) painted for my parents' house, taking inspiration from the renaissance treatises about emblems and iconology.

Though their explicit reference to old images and symbols, all the scenes are set in present times. A PC screen, skyscrapers, a cubist poster, headphones are all displayed to remind that.

These paintings were also influenced by "avatars" and profile pictures we commonly use on social networks and chats. Hung in lines, they look like an usual web page.

I wish that the final result can be considered as a good conjunction between ancient imaginery and modern sensitivities. Painted between May and August 2009.

On the wall (September 2009)

Orpheus // Orfeo

Pompeii // Pompei

"Aut tace aut loquere meliora silentio"

Alma beata

Il principe (Harmonia Mundi)

Phaeton // Fetonte

Oculata manus

Janus and the Dioscures // Giano e i dioscuri

The Victory // La Vittoria

The mercyful daughter // Pero

Divide et impera

A philosopher // Un filosofo