Evaluation of a Landscape Design Exhibition in a Flower Show or Special Display *
The following definitions are from a handout, “Information for Judging, LDCC,** 1979, compiled by Jinny Perry, and the Glossary in the NE Spring Flower Show Rule Book.
Design: The selecting and arranging of materials with order, beauty, distinction.
Originality: The quality of being independently conceived within the bounds of design principles.
Suitability: Appropriateness, in keeping with the purpose and character of the exhibit.
Quality: High standard of excellence.
Color Harmony: The orderly combination of colors resulting in a pleasing general effect.
Seasonability: Use of plants which naturally flower about the same season. If the garden is supposed to bloom at the end of May, the exhibitor can use plants flowering three weeks either side of May 31.
Accessories: Elements appropriate in scale and harmony, integral to the whole of the garden’s design.
Charm: An inner quality which gives an exhibit an intangible appeal.
Correct and suitable labeling: The use of neat, uniform and accurate labels to identify plants. The labels must not, however, interfere with the general appearance of the exhibit.
*Members have found this scale useful.
**LDCC = Landscape Design Critics Council (Note: LDCC’s name changed to Landscape Design Council in 2002 by National Garden Clubs)