
Published Papers

The Effect of a Peer's Teen Pregnancy on Sexual Behavior (with Priyanka Anand), forthcoming Journal of Health Economics.

     Working Paper No. 31228. 

Where have all the workers gone? Recalls versus reallocation in the COVID recovery (with Eliza Forsythe, Fabian Lange, and David G. Wiczer), Labour Economics, October, 2022, Vol 78.

NBER Working Paper No. 30387

Dropouts Need Not Apply? The Minimum Wage and Skill Upgrading, (with Jeffrey Clemens and Jonathan Meer), Journal of Labor Economics, 2021, 39(S1): pp. S107-S149

     NBER Working Paper No. 27090

 Labor Demand in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence from Vacancy Postings and UI Claims, (with Eliza Forsythe, Fabian Lange, and David Wiczer), Journal of Public Economics, 2020, 189, 104238.

        NBER Working Paper No. 27061

        Econofact write-up

        NBER Presentation

 Supervisors and Performance Management Systems (with Anders Frederiksen and Fabian Lange), Journal of Political Economy, 2020, 128:6, pp. 2123-2197.

        NBER Working Paper No. 23351

Do Recessions Accelerate Routine-Biased Technological Change? Evidence from Vacancy Postings (with Brad Hershbein), American Economic Review, 2018, 108(7): pp. 1737-72. 

        Web Appendix

        NBER Working Paper No. 22762           

Discretion in Hiring (with Mitchell Hoffman and Danielle Li), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2018, 133(2): pp. 765-800.

        Web Appendix

        NBER Working Paper No. 21709

Cyclical Job Ladders by Firm Size and Firm Wage (with John Haltiwanger, Henry Hyatt, and Erika McEntarfer), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2018, 10(2): pp. 52-85.

        Web Appendix

        NBER Working Paper No. 23485

        See also:

            Kahn, Lisa B. and Erika McEntarfer (2014), Employment Cyclicality and Firm Quality, NBER Working Paper No. 20698

            Haltiwanger, John, Henry Hyatt, and Erika McEntarfer (2015), Cyclical Reallocation of Workers across Employers by Firm Size and Firm Wage, NBER Working Paper No. 21235

Skill Requirements across Firms and Labor Markets: Evidence from Job Postings for Professionals (with David Deming), Journal of Labor Economics, 2018, 36(S1): pp. S337-S369.

        NBER Working Paper No. 23328

Cashier or Consultant? Entry Labor Market Conditions, Field of Study and Career Success (with Joseph Altonji and Jamin Speer), Journal of Labor Economics, 2016, 34(S1, part2): pp. S361-S401.

       Web Appendix

        NBER Working Paper No. 20531

Employer Learning, Productivity and the Earnings Distribution: Evidence from Performance Measures (with Fabian Lange), Review of Economic Studies, 2014, 81(4): pp. 1575-1613.

        Reprinted in Learning and Labor Markets, 2017, edited by Michael Waldman

        IZA Discussion Paper No. 5054

Trends in Earnings Differentials across College Majors and the Changing Task Composition of Jobs (with Joseph Altonji and Jamin Speer), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2014, 104(5): pp. 387-93.

        Web Appendix

Asymmetric Information between Employers, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2013, 5(4): pp. 165-205.

        Reprinted in Learning and Labor Markets, 2017, edited by Michael Waldman

        IZA Discussion Paper No. 7174

The Plight of Mixed Race Adolescents (with R.G Fyer Jr., S.D. Levitt, and J.L. Spenkuch), Review of Economics and Statistics, 94(3): pp. 621-634.

    [Lead Article]

        NBER Working Paper No. 14192

The Long-Term Labor Market Consequences of Graduating from College in a Bad Economy, Labour Economics, 2010, 17(2): pp. 303-316.

    [Lead Article]

        WINNER: Prize for the best paper in Labour Economics, 2010-11

Book Chapters

Incentivizing Learning-By-Doing: The Role of Compensation Schemes” (with Joshua S. Graff Zivin and Matthew Neidell), in Workplace Productivity and Management Practices (Research in Labor Economics, Vol 49), Polachek, S. W., Tatsiramos, K., Russo, G. and van Houten, G. (Ed.), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, 2021.

NBER Working Paper # 25799, August, 2020.

Edited Volumes

 (edited with Daniel Aaronson and Christopher Taber) Supplement to The Journal of Labor Economics, Papers in Honor of Joseph G. Altonji, Vol. 39(S1), January 2021.

Other Publications

Overview: Wage Dynamics in the 21st Century,” with Erik Hurst, Journal of Labor Economics, 2023. 41(S1): pp. S1-S12.

Introduction to Volume in Honor of Joseph G. Altonji,” with Daniel Aaronson, Costas Meghir, and Christopher Taber, Journal of Labor Economics, 2021. 39(S1): pp. S1-S3.

The Great Recession Drastically Changed the Skills Employers Want (with Brad Hershbein), Harvard Business Review, 2017, October.

Unemployment Insurance and Job Search in the Great Recession: Comments and Discussion, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2011, Fall.

Working Papers

Racial and Ethnic Inequality and the China Shock (with Lindsay Oldenski and Geunyong Park), July, 2024. NBER Working Paper No. 30646.      

[Reject and Resubmit: American Economic Journal: Policy]

“Do Workforce Development Programs Bridge the Skills Gap?” (with Eleanor W. Dillon, Joanna Venator, and Michael Dalton), December, 2023.

“Do Online Job Postings Capture Job Vacancies?” (with Michael Dalton and Andreas Mueller), October, 2023.

Searching, Recalls, and Tightness: An Interim Report on the COVID Labor Market (with Eliza Forsythe, Fabian Lange, and David G. Wiczer), NBER Working Paper No. 28083, November 2020.     

Labor Supply in the time of COVID-19 (with Fabian Lange and David Wiczer), March 2020.

The Minimum Wage, Fringe Benefits, and Worker Welfare (with Jeffrey Clemens and Jonathan Meer), NBER Working Paper No. 24635, May 2018.

        [Appendix -- Response to Cengiz]

Work in Progress

Gender Targeting in U.S. Newspaper Ads: 1940-2000 (with Enghin Atalay)