Leighton Buzzard Bowling Club
Welcome to Leighton Buzzard Bowling Club
Bowling is a great way to stay fit, socialise and make new friends in a relaxed atmosphere. The game is truly a sport for all ages and abilities and is a fun game that can also be challenging. Like all sports, the object of bowls is essentially simple and can be played at all levels from social play through to County level and beyond.
It’s up to you!
Our Club aims to develop and promote the game of Lawn Bowls at all levels, providing the local community the opportunity to enjoy the sport and to develop individual skills in competitive and recreational bowls.
Our Club
Our facilities based in Grovebury Road include a comfortable Clubhouse with a well-stocked Bar and a free Car Park adjacent to the bowling green.
We have various social events throughout the year including Quiz nights and Bingo.
As with most privately run clubs we depend on volunteers from the membership to help with various tasks for the smooth running of the club, The management committee appoint managers for the various tasks who organise the volunteers in rotas for the season.
Our Members
Bowling members compete in friendly matches against other local clubs most weekends during the summer season and hold internal club fun competitions too. For the more serious bowler we are affiliated to Bowls England and you can if you wish take part in County competitions.
If you are not a bowler then social membership is available, giving access to all club social events.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Bowler, why not come along and give Bowls a try?
Please follow links to Contacts Page for more information or drop in to a roll-up session any Thursday evening from 6.30pm (From 17th April 2025) or view our Open Days and “Just turn up!”
Copyright ©Leighton Buzzard Bowling Club 2021 Last Update 9 March 2021