
My teaching experience includes lecturing as the primary instructor in Intermediate Macroeconomics and leading discussion/review sections as a teaching assistant for both undergraduate and graduate courses in the economics department at the University of Iowa.


Spring 2015:

Intermediate Macroeconomics (06E:105)

Summer 2013:

1st Year Economics Ph.D. Summer Math Camp, week 3

Teaching Assistant:

Fall 2014:

Macroeconomics I (06E:204, Ph.D. Core) for Prof. Martin Gervais

Fall 2013:

Macroeconomics I (06E:204, Ph.D. Core) for Prof. Martin Gervais

Fall 2012:

Economic Analysis I (06E:200, Ph.D Core) for Prof. Doru Cojoc

Spring 2012:

Economic Analysis II (06E:201, Ph.D. Core) for Prof. Doru Cojoc

Fall 2011:

Principles of Microeconomics (06E:001) for Prof. John Solow

Teaching evaluations available on request