
Karl G. Anuta is a trial lawyer who primarily handles cases involving environmental law, personal injuries, and insurance disputes.  He is a solo practitioner with an office in Portland, OR.  He is a member of both the Oregon and Washington state bars.

His email is: KGA@lokga.net 

Law office of Karl G. Anuta, P.C. Staff:

Emily Valeno & Izzy Urbano-Campos, Legal Assistants

Emily@lokga.net and Isamar@lokga.net 

Kellee Reyes, Paralegal


Corey Oken, Associate Attorney


Kinsey Anuta, File Clerk


Basic Contact Information

Law Office of Karl G. Anuta, P.C.

735 SW First Avenue, 2nd Floor

Portland, OR  97204

Phone (503) 827-0320

Facsimile (503) 386-2168