Laurent Weill

"It's a topsy-turvy world, and maybe the problems of two people don't amount to a hill of beans. But this is our hill. And these are our beans."

Frank Drebin

I am Full Professor of Economics at University of Strasbourg (France).

I am member and have been (2008-2023) the Director of the research center in finance (LaRGE Research Center) of University of Strasbourg.

My research is on banking, corporate finance and political economy, with a particular focus on emerging countries (China, Russia, Islamic finance).

I have published about 160 papers including 140 articles in journals, among others Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Comparative Economics, World Development, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Financial Stability, European Journal of Operational Research, Public Choice.

I have been Visiting Researcher at Bank of Finland (BOFIT) every year since 2008.

I am Visiting Professor in Charles University (Prague), Visiting Professor in Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Université Libre de Bruxelles), and was Senior Visiting Fellow  in MGIMO University (Moscow), 

I am member of the Scientific Committee of ACPR-Banque de France (the French authority supervising the banking sector).

I have worked on research projects with ACPR-Banque de France, Czech National Bank, and National Bank of Poland.

I am the supervisor and founder of Master Corporate Strategy and Finance in Europe (University of Strasbourg).

Working papers: