Policy work


"Skilled Migration: A sign of Europe's divide or integration?" with Daniel Garotte Sanchez, Mattia Makovec and Caglar Ozden

"Towards Safe and More Productive and Safe Migration for South Asia" with Amer Ahmed

"Safe and Productive Migration from the Kyrgyz Republic: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic"

Book chapters:

"Youth labor migration in Nepal." with Anastasiya Denisova. Jobs Working Paper; issue no.13. Washington, D.C.

"Harnessing the Development Potential of Return Migration." Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

Policy reports:

"Republic of North Macedonia: Action Plan for Recovery of Growth and Jobs"

"North Macedonia - Finding Solutions Youth Unemployment" with Stefanie Broedman-Koettl and Cesar Cancho Washington, D.C. ; World Bank Group.

"Bangladesh jobs diagnostic" with T. Farole, Y. Cho and R. Aterido

"A Migrant’s Journey for Better Opportunities: The Case of Pakistan" with A. Qureshi, Y. Cho and U. Khadka

"Pakistan: A Labor market Overview" with Victoria Strokova and U. Khadka

"Female labor force participation in Pakistan : what do we know?" with Saman Amir; Aphichoke Kotikula, Rohini Pande; and Upasana Khadka