
Peer-reviewed publications

22. Foote, J.R.*, Fitzsimmons, L.P.*, Lobert, L.M., Ratcliffe, L.M., and D.J. Mennill. 2017. A population-level analysis of morning song: Exploring the implications for point counts. Canadian Field Naturalist, 131: 10-18 [abstract]

21. Boutin, S.R.T., Harrison, S.J., Fitzsimmons, L.P., McAuley, E.M., and S.M. Bertram. 2016. Same-sex sexual behaviour in crickets: Understanding the paradox. Animal Behaviour, 114: 101-110 [abstract]

20. Fitzsimmons, L.P., and S.M. Bertram. 2013. Playing to an audience: The social environment influences aggression and victory displays. Biology Letters, 9:20130449 [article]

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19. Bertram, S.M., Harrison, S.J., Thomson, I.R., and L.P. Fitzsimmons. 2013. Adaptive plasticity in wild field cricket's acoustic signaling. PLOS ONE, 8: e69247 [article].

18. Fitzsimmons, L.P., and S.M. Bertram. 2013. No relationship between long-distance acoustic mate attraction signals and male fertility or female preference in spring field crickets. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67:885-893 [PDF]

17. Fitzsimmons, L.P., and S.M. Bertram. 2013. Signaling effort does not predict aggressiveness in male spring field crickets. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67:213-220 [PDF]

16. Bertram, S.M., Fitzsimmons, L.P., McAuley, E.M., Rundle, H.D., and R. Gorelick. 2012. Phenotypic covariance structure and its divergence for acoustic mate attraction signals among four cricket species. Ecology and Evolution, 2:181-195 [PDF]

15. Fitzsimmons, L.P., Barker, N.K., and D.J. Mennill. 2011. Further analysis supports the conclusion that the songs of Screaming Pihas are individually distinctive and bear a lek signature. The Auk, 128:790-792 [PDF]

14. Bertram, S.M., Rook, V.L.M., Fitzsimmons, J.M., and L.P. Fitzsimmons. 2011. Fine- and broad-scale approaches to understanding the evolution of aggression in crickets. Ethology, 117:1067-1080 [PDF]

13. Fitzsimmons, L.P., and S.M. Bertram. 2011. The calling songs of male spring field crickets (Gryllus veletis) change as males age. Behaviour, 148:1045-1065 [PDF]

12. Foote, J.R., Fitzsimmons, L.P., Mennill, D.J., and L.M. Ratcliffe. 2011. Male black-capped chickadees begin chorusing earlier in response to simulated territorial insertions. Animal Behaviour, 81:871-877 [PDF]

11. Klaus, S.P., Fitzsimmons, L.P., Pitcher, T.E., and S.M. Bertram. 2011. Song and sperm in crickets: a tradeoff between pre- and post-copulatory traits or phenotype-linked fertility? Ethology, 117:154-162 [PDF]

10. Fitzsimmons, J.M., and L.P. Fitzsimmons. 2010. Pre-copulatory behavior of the wheel bug Arilus gallus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Entomological News, 121:304-307 [PDF]

9. Bertram, S.M., Rook, V.L.M., and L.P. Fitzsimmons. 2010. Strutting their stuff: victory displays in the spring field cricket, Gryllus veletis. Behaviour, 147:1249-1266 [PDF]

8. Foote, J.R., Fitzsimmons, L.P., Mennill, D.J., and L.M. Ratcliffe. 2010. Black-capped chickadee dawn choruses are interactive communication networks. Behaviour, 147:1219-1248 [PDF]

7. Fitzsimmons, L.P., Barker, N.K., and D.J. Mennill. 2008. Individual variation and lek-based vocal distinctiveness in songs of the screaming piha (Lipaugus vociferans), a suboscine songbird. The Auk, 125:908-914 [PDF]

6. Foote, J.R., Fitzsimmons, L.P., Mennill, D.J., and L.M. Ratcliffe. 2008. Tied to the nest: Male black-capped chickadees decrease dawn chorus movement behaviour when their mate is fertile. Animal Behaviour, 76:1227-1233 [PDF]

5. Lippold, S., Fitzsimmons, L.P., Foote, J.R., Ratcliffe, L.M., and D.J. Mennill. 2008. Post-contest behaviour in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus): Victory displays do not follow asymmetrical countersinging exchanges. Acta Ethologica, 11:67-72 [PDF]

4. Fitzsimmons, L.P., Foote, J.R., Ratcliffe, L.M., and D.J. Mennill. 2008. Eavesdropping and communication networks revealed through playback and an acoustic location system. Behavioral Ecology, 19:824-829 [PDF]

3. Foote, J.R., Fitzsimmons, L.P., Mennill, D.J., and L.M. Ratcliffe. 2008. Male chickadees match neighbors interactively at dawn: support for the social dynamics hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology, 19:1192-1199 [PDF]

2. Fitzsimmons, L.P., Foote, J.R., Ratcliffe, L.M., and D.J. Mennill. 2008. Frequency matching, overlapping and movement behaviour in diurnal countersinging interactions of black-capped chickadees. Animal Behaviour, 75:1913-1920 [PDF]

1. Reed, L.P., Vallender, R., and R.J. Robertson. 2007. Provisioning rates by Golden-winged Warblers. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 119:350-355 [PDF]

Non-refereed publications

Reed, L.P. 2006. Book Review: Animal Communication Networks. The Condor 108:485-487 [PDF]