Non-academic Employment

Reading Energy Company, Philadelphia, PA

You can find a description of Reading Energy under the description of Dr. Thomas A.V. Cassel's Research Expertise on the Engineering Faculty Website of the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Cassel inspired me to value the analytical skills of a doctoral scholar. 

My Work at Reading Energy

Financial analyst, 1988-1990.

Key project:  Sale Leaseback Financing of $156,000,000 waste coal-fired 50MWe Northeastern Power Company Cogeneration Facility (NEPCO).

Key project:  Leveraged Buyout

Create a model of cashflow and perform sensitivity analysis related to management’s leveraged buyout from its parent company including consolidated proforma projections and amortization of $36,000,000 bridge loan and permanent financing.


Senior Analyst, 1990-1994.

Key project:  Construct financial models and conduct sensitivity analysis related to the $365,000,000 Municipal Bond Offering and Equity Offering Memoranda for 50MWe, 1600 Tons Per Day Robbins Resource Recovery Facility.

Part of my analysis included monitoring local recyclable markets.  I also prepared diagrams, written descriptions, and presentation materials for submission and defense of U.S. E.P.A. Air Permit and for public meetings to promote the project and market long term waste contracts to municipal officials. 

In 1992, I became one of eight management shareholders.