Teaching activities


  • 2014: Invited Professor for the course (PhD students) Semantic Web and Agents within the PhD program in Computer Science at the DIBRIS Department, University of Genova (10h)

    • 2010–12: Invited Professor for the course (PhD students) Advanced Web Applications: Semantic and Data Processing Issues within the PhD program in Computer Science at the CS Department, University of Genova.(10h)

  • 2006–08: Contract Professor for the course (Master students) of Human Computer Interaction, Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bolzano (second semester, A.A. 2006-07-08). Course for students coming from all over the world (Erasmus Mundus). Teaching in English (40h 2006-07 and 40h 2007-08)

    • 2010: Invited Professor on Graphical Interfaces and Usability Requirements and Evaluation, within the course of Graphics Interfaces, Department of Computer Science, University of Genova (2nd semester A.A. 2009-10) (20h)

    • 2009: Contract Professor for the modules on Interfaces and Products Accessibility and Usability and Geographical Information Systems within the University Postgraduate Master (Level II) (High scientific training University course) in Touristic-Cultural Project Management. Innovative Strategies and Instruments for touristic valorization of environmental and historic-cultural resources. (12h)

    • 2003–06: Contract Professor for the course on XML and related technologies, within the University Postgraduate Master on Information e Communication Technologies (Department of Engineering, University of Catania, and INPDAP) (High scientific training University course). (~40h each year)

    • 2002-03: Contract Professor for the course Markup Languages: XML, Computer Science Master degree, (2nd semester, A.A. 2002-03) Department of Computer Science – University of Catania. (6 credits – 42h Teaching & Lab)

Invited Lecturer

International Summer Schools and cycles of seminars

  • 2011-: invited lecturer on “Advanced Multimedia Searching and Retrieval Techniques” within the course of “Web Science”, Information Technology and Web Science Degree, RPI, Troy USA (Prof. James Hendler) (4h)

    • 2007-2009: invited lecturer on Usability Testing and Evaluation, within the course of Graphics Interfaces, Department of Computer Science, University of Genova (2nd semester – Ref. Prof. Paola Magillo) (4h)

    • 2006: invited lecturer for the International Summer School on Shape Modeling and Reasoning, on Ontologies for shapes, shape acquisition and processing tools, Tallinn (Estonia) July 18-24 2006 (4h)

    • 2000-2010: invited lecturer on Approximation Techniques for Curves and Surfaces (NURBS) within the course of Geometric Modeling (Master and PhD students), Department of Computer Science, University of Genova (2nd semester – Ref. Prof. L. De Floriani). (6h)

    • 2006-07: invited lecturer on Computational Topology and Morse Theory for Shape Analysis within the course of Geometric Modeling (Master and PhD students), Department of Computer Science, University of Genova (2nd semester – Ref. Prof. L. De Floriani). (4h)

    • 2000-2003: invited lecturer on XML: Exstensible Markup Language within the course on Database II (master and PhD students), Department of Computer Science, University of Catania (2nd semester, Ref. Prof. A. Ferro). (~6h)

    • 2001: invited lecturer cycle on Structuring data for web and e-business applications: XML at the Institute of Applied Mathematics, National Research Council (Genova, Italy) (~3h)

Support activity, lessons and laboratory

  • 2007-09: teaching support and lab management for the course on Graphics Interfaces, Department of Computer Science, University of Genova (2nd semester – Ref. Prof. Paola Magillo) (~20h)

    • 2004-06: teaching support and lab management for the course on Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, Department of Computer Science, University of Genova (2nd semester – Ref. Prof. L. De Floriani) (~20h)

    • 2004-05: teaching support and lab management for the course on Geometric Modeling, (Master and PhD students), Department of Computer Science, University of Genova (2nd semester – Ref. Prof. L. De Floriani) (~10h)

    • 2001-02: teaching support and lab management for the course on Graphics Interfaces, Department of Computer Science, University of Genova (2nd semester – Ref. Prof. Paola Magillo) (~20h)

Master Thesis co-advisor

  • [2010-2011] co-advisor Master degree. Student: Luca Violanti. Department of Computer Science, University of Genova. Usability and Accessibility evaluation techniques: the Institutional Portal of the Province of Genoa.

    • [2009-2010] co-advisor Master degree. Student: Chiara Simetti. Department of Computer Science, University of Genova. Underwater Cultural environment 3D modelling: design and implementation of the diving site “Christ of the Abyss”.

    • [2009-2010] co-advisor Master degree. Student: Paola Maiolino. Department of Computer Science, University of Genova. Design and modelling of 3D urban models using Google Sketchup.

    • [2007-08] co-advisor Master degree. Student: Matteo Bertucelli. Department of Computer Science, University of Genova. Development of java-based editing and segmentation tool for surface meshes expressed in X3D and related semantic annotation

    • [2008-] co-advisor Master degree. Student: Danilo Colla. Department of Computer Science, University of Genova. Development of OntoCUT, an ontology for modeling the process related to the removal of off-shore platforms and of a 3D simulation system based on multiresolution models guided by semantic constraints (Thesis developed in a technological company). (under development)

    • [2007-08] co-advisor Master degree. Student: Nicolò Carissimi. Department of Computer Science, University of Genova. Development of a java-based tool for combining merging and segmentation techniques for triangular meshes.

    • [2006] co-advisor Master degree. Student: Stefano Mazzolini. Department of Computer Science, University of Genova. Development of the data structure Triangle PM-Quadtree: Definition and Design of a spatial index for TIN

PhD Jury committee (invited)

    • [2009] PhD student Alejandra Garcia Rojas, Dissertation title: Semantics for Virtual Humans, EPFL VRlab, CH 1015 Lausanne (Switzerland) – (January 2009)