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Laura Papaleo took her Master Degree in Computer Science (cum laude) at the University of Catania in 1998 with a thesis con Computational Geometry developed at the CS Department at Stanford University (USA) under the supervision of L. Guibas. In 2004 she got her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Genova on topics relate to 3D surface reconstruction and multi-sensors Data Fusion. Since 1998, she has been successfully involved in many national and international research projects dealing mainly with Multimedia Content Reasoning and Semantic Annotation and Retrieval.
She is actually a permanently ad-joint researcher on Semantic Web and Open Linked Data (Link validation, Data integration) with Prof. James Hendler (RPI, USA).
Interests: Semantic Web, Knowledge Modeling, Linked Data, Similarity, Human-Computer Interaction, E-learning, Digital Content Semantic Structuring and Annotation, Visual Computing.
Contact me
via skype, ID:laura_papaleo
«Research is what I'm doing when I do not know what I'm doing.»
- Wernher Von Braun