
Peer-reviewed papers

37. Fuzessy L, Pavoine S, Cardador L, Maspons J, Sol D (2024) Loss of species and functions in a deforested megadiverse tropical forest. Conservation Biology, 

36. Menchetti M, Schifani E, Alicata A, Cardador L, Sbrega E, Toro-Delgado E, Vila R (2024) Response to Genovesi et al.: Ant biosurveillance should come before invasion Current Biology 34(2), R51-R52 

35. Núñez-Tobajas Z*, Senar JC, Rodríguez-Pastor R, Carrillo-Ortiz JG, Cardador L* (2024) Niche shifts over spread of a biological invasion: Unveiling the role of changing habitat preference and density-dependence. Diversity and Distributions 30 (1): 4-12 *Equal contribution

34. Menchetti M, Schifani E, Alicata A, Cardador L, Sbrega E, Toro-Delgado E, Vila R (2023) The invasive ant Solenopsis invicta is established in Europe. Current Biology 33(17), PR896-R897

33. Vidal A, Cardador L, Garcia-Barcelona S, Macias D, Druon J-N, Coll M, Navarro J (2023) The relative importance of biological and environmental factors on the trophodynamics of a pelagic marine predator, the blue shark (Prionace glauca). Marine Environmental Research 183: 105808

32. Cardador L,  Tella JL, Louvrier J, Anadón JD, Abellán P,  Carrete M (2022) Climate matching and anthropogenic factors contribute to the colonisation and extinction of local populations during avian invasions. Diversity and Distributions 28: 1908-1921.*Cover image

31. Arroyo B,  Estrada A, Casas F,  Cardador L, de Caceres M, Bota G,  Giralt D, Brotons Ll, Mougeot F (2022) Functional habitat suitability and urban encroachment explain temporal and spatial variations in abundance of a declining farmland bird, the little bustard Tetrax tetraxAvian Conservation & Ecology 17(2): 19

30. Cardador LAbellán P, Blackburn TM (2022) Incorporating phylogeographic information in alien bird distribution models increases geographic extent but not accuracy of predictions. Biological Invasions 24: 683-695 

29. González-Lagos C, Cardador L, Sol D (2021) Invasion success and tolerance to urbanization in birds. Ecography 44: 1642-1652

28. Ascensão F, D'Amico  M, Martins  R, Rebelo  R, Barbosa  AM, Bencatel J, Barrientos  R, Abellán  P, Tella JL, Cardador L, Anadón  JD, Carrete  M, Murgui E, Fernandes  P, Santos SM, Mira  A, Mathias  ML, Tiago  P, Casabella E, Reino  L, Paulo  OS, Pereira H, Capinha C (2021) Distribution of alien tetrapods in the Iberian Peninsula. Neobiota 64: 1 - 21

27. Cardador L, Blackburn TM (2020)  A global assessment of human influence on niche shifts and risk predictions of bird invasions.  Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 1956-1966

26. Ascensão F,  Latombe G,  Anadón JD, Abellán P, Cardador L, Carrete M, Tella JL, Capinha C (2020)  Drivers of compositional dissimilarity for native and alien birds: the relative roles of human activity and environmental suitability.  Biological Invasions 22: 1447 - 1460

25. Gimenez J, Cardador L, Mazor T,  Kark S, Bellido JM , Coll M, Navarro J (2020)  Marine protected areas for demersal elasmobranchs in highly exploited Mediterranean ecosystems.  Marine Environmental Research 260: 105033

24. Mori E*, Cardador L*, Reino L, White RL, Hernández-Brito D, Le Louarn M, Mentil L, Edelaar P, Pârâu LG, Nikolov BP, Menchetti M (2020)  Lovebirds in the air: trade patterns, establishment success and niche shifts of Agapornis parrots within their non-native range.  Biological Invasions 22: 421- 435. *Equal contribution

23. Cardador L, Blackburn TM (2019) Human-habitat associations in the native distributions of alien bird species. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 1189-1199

22. Cardador L, Tella JL, Anadón JD, Abellán P, Carrete M (2019) The European trade ban on wild birds reduced invasion risks. Conservation Letters, 12: e12631

21. Cuscó F, Cardador L, Bota G, Morales MG, Mañosa S (2018) Inter-individual consistency in habitat selection patterns and spatial range constraints of female little bustards during the non-breeding season. BMC Ecology  18: 56

20. Cardador L, Díaz-Luque JA, Hiraldo F, Gilardi JD, Tella JL (2018) The effects of spatial survey bias and habitat suitability on predicting the distribution of threatened species living in remote areas. Bird Conservation International 28: 581-592

19. Abellán P, Tella JL, Carrete M, Cardador L, Anadón JD (2017) Climate matching drives spread rate but not establishment success in recent unintentional bird introductions. PNAS 114: 9385-9390

18. Cardador L, Lattuada M, Strubbe D, Tella JL, Reino L, Figueira R, Carrete M (2017). Regional bans on wild-bird trade modify invasion risks at a global scale. Conservation Letters 10: 717-725

17. Cardador L, Carrete M, Gallardo B, Tella JL (2016) Combining trade data and niche modelling improves predictions of the origin and distribution of non-native European populations of a globally invasive species. Journal of Biogeography 43: 967-978

16. Abellán P, Carrete M, Anadón JD, Cardador L, Tella JL (2016). Non-random patterns and temporal trends (1912-2012) in the transport, introduction and establishment of exotic birds in Spain and Portugal. Diversity and Distributions 22: 263-273

15. Navarro J, Cardador L, Fernández, AM, Bellido JM, Coll M (2016). Differences in the relative roles of environment, prey availability and human activity in the spatial distribution of two marine mesopredators living in highly exploited ecosystems. Journal of Biogeography 43: 440-450

14. Navarro J, Cardador L, Brown R, Phillips RA (2015). Spatial distribution and ecological niches of non-breeding planktivorous petrels. Scientific Reports 5: 12164 

13. Cardador L, Brotons Ll, Mougeout F, Giralt D, Bota G, Arroyo B (2015). Conservation traps and long-term species persistence in human-dominated systems. Conservation Letters 8:456-462

12. Cardador L, De Cáceres M, Giralt D, Bota G, Aquilué N, Arroyo B, Mougeot F, Cantero-Martínez C, Viladomiu L, Rosell J, Casas F, Estrada A, Alvaro-Fuentes J, Brotons Ll (2015) Tools for exploring habitat suitability for steppe birds under land-use change scenarios. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 200: 119-125. [link][pdf]

11. Cardador L, Navarro J, Forero M, Hobson KA, Mañosa S (2015). Breeding origin and spatial distribution of migrant and resident harriers in a Mediterranean wintering area: insights from isotopic analyses, ring recoveries and species distribution modelling. Journal of Ornithology 156: 247-256

10. Navarro J, Coll M, Cardador L, Fernández A, Bellido J (2015) The relative roles of the environment, human activities and spatial factors in the spatial distribution of marine biodiversity in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Progress in Oceanography 131: 126-137

9. Cardador L, Carrete M, Mañosa S (2014) Factors affecting the expansion success of bird populations in human-transformed environments: the case of the Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus in the Ebro Valley. Catalan Journal of Ornithology 30: 90-101

8. Cardador L, De Cáceres M, Bota G, Giralt D, Casas F, Arroyo B, Mougeot François, Cantero-Martínez C, Moncunill J, Butler S, Brotons Ll (2014). A resource-based modelling framework to assess habitat suitability for steppe birds in semiarid Mediterranean agricultural systems. PLoS ONE 9(3): e92790 

7. Cardador L, Sardà-Palomera F, Carrete M, Mañosa S (2014) Incorporating spatial constraints in different periods of the annual cycle improves species distribution model predictions for a highly mobile bird species. Diversity and Distributions 20: 515-528

6. Afan I, Navarro J, Cardador L, Ramírez F, Kato A, Rodríguez B, Roupert-Coudert Y, Forero MG (2014) Foraging movements and habitat niche of two closely related seabirds breeding in sympatry. Marine Biology 161: 657-668

5. Cardador L, Carrete M, Mañosa S (2012) Inter-individual variability and conspecific densities: consequences for population regulation and range expansion. PLoS ONE 7: e33375

4. Cardador L, Planas E, Varea A, Mañosa S (2012) Feeding behaviour and diet composition of the Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus in agricultural landscapes. Bird Study 59: 228-235

3. Cardador L, Carrete M, Mañosa S (2011) Can intensive agricultural landscapes favour some raptor species? The marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus in Northeastern Spain. Animal Conservation 14: 382-390

2. Cardador L, Mañosa S (2011) Foraging habitat use and selection of Western Marsh-Harriers (Circus aeruginosus) in intensive agricultural landscapes. Journal of Raptor Research 45: 168-173

1. Cardador L, Mañosa S, Varea A, Bertolero A (2009) Ranging behaviour of Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus in agricultural landscapes. Ibis 151: 766-770

  • Book chapters

6. Cardador L, Abellán P, Anadón JD, Carrete M, Tella  JL (2021). The World Parrot Trade. In: Pruett-Jones, editor. Naturalized Parrots of the World Distribution, Ecology, and Impacts of the World’s Most Colorful Colonizers. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press. pp. 13-22.

5. Carrete M, Abellán P, Cardador L, Anadón JD, Tella JL (2021). The Fate of Multistage Parrot Invasions in Spain and Portugal. In: Pruett-Jones, editor. Naturalized Parrots of the World Distribution, Ecology, and Impacts of the World’s Most Colorful Colonizers. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press. pp. 240-249.

4. Cardador L, Varea A, Bonfil J (2021) L’arpella vulgar (Circus aeruginosus). In: Atles dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya. Distribució i abundància 2015-2018 i canvi des de 1980. Institut Català d'Ornitologia i Cossetània Edicions

3. Cardador L, Arroyo B (2012). El aguilucho lagunero. In: Atlas de las aves en invierno en España 2007-2010. Madrid: Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/BirdLife. pp. 174-175. 

2. Cardador L (2011). Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental. In: Lacasa M, editor. El libro de las rapaces. Photodigiscoping. pp. 202- 213. 

1. Cardador L, Bonfil J, Estrada J, Mañosa S, Varea A (2011) L’arpella vulgar (Circus aeruginosus). In: Herrando S, Brotons Ll, Estrada J, Guallar S, Anton M, editors. Atles dels ocells de Catalunya a l’hivern 2006-2009. Bellaterra: Lynx. pp. 210-211.