About Happening

In 1992, several teens and adults attended Mississippi Happening #11 in hopes of starting Happening in Louisiana.  

It Happened!!! LA Happening #1 was held in Alexandria, Louisiana at Tall Timbers Retreat Center in January of 1993.   Since then we have moved to the Wesley Center in Woodworth, Louisiana.

The Happening Experience is a powerful instrument of renewal in the Church.  The weekend theme is developed through a series of talks which compare the changing nature of material and social reality as compared to the permanent nature of spiritual reality, a firm foundation on which teens can build a secure foundation on life.  

The Happening staff is made up of teenagers 9th-12th grades.  Adults are present to support the weekend, including Spiritual Directors.  Happening provides a method through which one's spirituality may be developed, lived, and shared in fellowship with Christians willing to dedicate their lives to God in an ongoing manner.

Happening #59: January 17-19, 2025