Lassi Ahlvik

Positions and affiliations

Professor in Environmental Economics, University of Helsinki and Helsinki GSE

Adjunct Associate Professor in Resource Economics, University of Stavanger

ERC Starting Grant for the project Green Tax Reform for a Just Climate Transition 

Member of the Finnish Climate Change Panel

Contact information


Phone: +358406176877

CV: Link

Work in progress

"Pigouvian Income Taxation", with Matti Liski and Mikael Mäkimattila [Download] [CEPR discussion paper]

"Household-Level Responses to the European Energy Crisis" with Tuomas Kaariaho, Matti Liski and Iivo Vehviläinen [Latest draft]

"Promoting Active Transport through Health Information" with Anna Sahari [FIT working paper]

"Controlling land-use change with a nature loss fee" with Linda Pesu, Aino Assmuth and Sampo Pihlainen [Working paper]

"Quantifying supply-side climate policies" with Jørgen Juel Andersen, Jonas Hveding Hamang and Torfinn Harding, [CAMP working paper] [Latest version]

Revision requested by the Review of Economic Studies 

Selected publications

"Resource investments and the timing of tax deductions", with Torfinn Harding [Link]

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists  (2025) forthcoming

"Distributional impacts of conservation: Evidence from the Natura 2000 network " with Sebastiaan van Kooten [Link] [Working paper]

Land Economics (2025), forthcoming

"Screening green innovation through carbon pricing", with Inge van den Bijgaart, [Link] [CESifo working paper]  

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2024) Volume 124, March 2024, 102932

"Green industrial policy for climate action in the basic materials industry", with Åsa Löfgren, Inge van den Bijgaart, Jessica Coria, Jurate Jaraitė, Filip Johnsson and Johan Rootzén

Climatic Change (2024) 177(9), 1-12. 

"Global externalities, local policies, and firm selection", with Matti Liski[Link] [MIT CEEPR working paper]

Journal of the European Economic Association (2022) 20(3) : 1231-1275 (Previously circulated as: "Think global, act local! A mechanism for global commons and mobile firms")

"Will of the living dead the case for a backward-looking welfare function" [Link]

Economics Letters (2022) 214, May 2022, 110418   

"Optimal Geoengineering Experiments", with Antti Iho [Link]

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2018) 92:148–168

"Policy Goals for Improved Water Quality in the Baltic Sea: When do the Benefits Outweigh the Costs?" with Kari Hyytiäinen, Heini Ahtianen, Janne Artell, Anni Huhtala and Kim Dahlbo [Link

Environmental and Resource Economics (2015) 61:217–241

Value of adaptation in water protection — Economic impacts of uncertain climate change in the Baltic Sea, with Kari Hyytiäinen [Link]

Ecological Economics (2015) 116:231–240

"An Economic-Ecological Model to Evaluate Impacts of Nutrient Abatement in the Baltic Sea", with Petri Ekholm, Kari Hyytiäinen and Heikki Pitkänen [Link]

Environmental Modelling & Software (2014) 55:164-175

 "A Strategic Analysis of Eutrophication Abatement in the Baltic Sea", with Yulia Pavlova.  [Link

Environmental and Resource Economics (2013) 56:353–378 

Popular writings (in Finnish)

"Hiilidioksidin hinnoittelu uudelle tasolle EU: n päästökauppajärjestelmän laajentuessa", Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja, 4/2024 [link]

"Luontohaittojen hinnoittelu ohjaisi parempaan maankäyttöön", Helsingin Sanomat, 8 January 2024 [link]

"Taloutta ei voi erottaa ympäristöstä", with Marita Laukkanen, Talous & Yhteiskunta, 13 October 2023 [link] 

"Kuinka pitää öljy maassa", Talous & Yhteiskunta, 14 October 2022 [link]

"Kivihiilikieltoa voi tehostaa päästöoikeuksien oikea-aikaisella mitätöinnillä", Helsingin Sanomat, 31 August 2022 [link]

"Päästökauppa ei tapa kilpailukykyä - mutta kunnianhimoinen ilmastopolitiikka jakaa yritykset voittajiin ja häviäjiin", Mustread, 5 November 2021 [link]

"Luonto - pääomamme", Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja, 2/2021 [link]


Spring 2024- AGERE-E11 Solving Environmental Problems with Data

Fall 2023 ECON-E0800 Advanced Environmental Economics

Spring 2021- AGERE-E02 Environmental Economics I: Mechanisms

Fall 2021- AGERE-E01 Environmental Economics I: Theory

Fall 2021- YET005 Introduction to Environmental Economics

Spring 2020-2022 MØA285 - Economics of Energy Markets, University of Stavanger

Spring 2020 ECO439 - Resource Economics, NHH 

Fall 2020 SAM 20 - The Economics of Resource-Rich Countires, NHH

Spring 2019 FIE421 - Long-term Macroeconomic Analysis, NHH 

Fall 2018 Economics of Natural Resources, Universidade Catolica de Angola, Luanda

Fall 2018 ENE464 - Topics in international environmental cooperation, NHH