ICL Surgery

Each year thousands of patients come to Dr. Jason P. Brinton seeking what we call visual freedom, or crisp, clear vision free of glasses and contact lenses. We accomplish this through LASIK and its six variations – SMILE, Visian ICL, ICL Surgery, PRK, Raindrop inlay, Kamra inlay, and RLE. So, which of these procedures may be right for you? Call us at 314.375.2020. We will be happy to set up your Brinton Vision Ocular Analysis where you will meet Dr. Brinton and see how we can help you achieve visual freedom.

Lasik surgery ads often promote cleared and improved vision. A lot of people go into Lasik thinking they will never have a need for eyeglasses or contacts again. While most people do experience an improvement in eyesight after having the Lasik procedure, some do not. It is not unusual for Lasik patients to still need eyeglasses or contacts after Lasik. Some with a bad outcome, actually have worse vision than before the surgery. Before you head to the Lasik surgery center, you should adjust you high expectations of Lasik.

Adjust your High Expectations of Lasik

Lasik surgery ads often promote cleared and improved vision. A lot of people go into Lasik thinking they will never have a need for eyeglasses or contacts again. While most people do experience an improvement in eyesight after having the Lasik procedure, some do not. It is not unusual for Lasik patients to still need eyeglasses or contacts after Lasik. Some with a bad outcome, actually have worse vision than before the surgery. Before you head to the Lasik surgery center, you should adjust you high expectations of Lasik.

Lasik surgery can help many people. Most of the time, patients who undergo Lasik surgery enjoy an improved vision of at least 20/40. This is not however, always the case. Before having a Lasik procedure, it is important that you thoroughly research Lasik, ask lots of questions and have realistic expectations.

There are good statistics about Lasik surgery

Results. One study reports that 94 percent of all Lasik patients are satisfied with their results and have at least 20/20 vision following surgery. Of those who have Lasik, the study shows that nearly all Lasik patients would recommend the surgery to a friend. Also, it was found that about 25 percent of the patients, who experienced problems with the surgery, could have been resolved with more patient education prior to the operation. One report of dissatisfaction with the surgery is that Lasik does not correct far or near sightedness in people over the age of forty. Twenty five percent of those who reported dissatisfaction with the surgery reported problems with night vision, but this often resolves itself in a few months.

While Lasik is a relatively easy surgery and is performed on many people, there are some immediate expectations you should realize before having surgery. Often, Lasik patients go into surgery thinking that recovery time is only a couple of hours. The healing time with Lasik is fast, however, you will not be ready to drive in a couple of hours. Expect your doctor to inform you that driving is forbidden for at least a week after surgery. Also, expect to be out of work following surgery for about four days. While Lasik is generally a pain-free procedure, some patients do report a scratchy feeling on the eye for a couple of days after the surgery.

In addition, Lasik surgery does require that you take good care of yourself post-operatively. That means that you must make and keep your appointments with your eye care professional for post-operative care and evaluation. If you are given any medications to take after surgery, such as eye drops, it is important that these are taken on a regular basis to get the best possible outcome after surgery. You can also expect your doctor to give you specific instructions regarding the use of makeup, which may be limited for a couple of days, and returning to vigorous activities such as sports. These may also be off-limits for several days following the Lasik procedure.

Choosing a LASIK Surgeon

So you're ready to free yourself from your dependence on glasses or contacts. What's the next step? Call a few LASIK center franchises and see who offers the lowest price? Think again.

This is your eyes we're talking about! Why would you want to shortchange yourself? A center that performs LASIK-only may not offer the procedure that is right for you. For some patients, implantable contacts, CK or refractive lens exchange may be the best option. A LASIK-only center can't offer these options. Worse yet, they may be tempted to offer LASIK when it is ill suited for you. And even if LASIK is the best procedure for a low price can often mean corners are being cut.

Choosing your surgeon is the most important aspect of making the decision to undergo LASIK.

Patients should seek out surgeons who are experienced, qualified, use quality equipment and can perform procedures other than LASIK. Don't just go to a LASIK "franchise" as though you were getting an oil change for your car. LASIK is a surgical procedure and surgeons have variable skills. Talented golfers use the best and varied tools to achieve results; the same holds true for surgeons. However, having state-of-the-art equipment does not necessarily make for a good surgeon. It is best to have confidence in your surgeon based on a face-to-face meeting.

Make Sure You Have Met With the Surgeon Before the Day of Your Procedure

Part of being comfortable with elective surgery is to have confidence in your surgeon. Consider meeting and interviewing at least two different surgeons. Ask for referrals from friends or family you know who have had LASIK. Don't accept meeting with a surrogate or technician ahead of time. How can you be comfortable with your surgeon if you have never met him or her? Patients should be given the opportunity to meet with the surgeon to discuss their individual condition before the day of surgery. If a patient does meets the surgeon on the day of surgery, the meeting should happen before going into the surgery room. A patient should not meet the surgeon for the first time while laying under the laser.

In elective surgery such as LASIK, there should be ample time to carefully read the informed consent document prior to surgery. All potential complications should have been addressed by the surgeon before you are asked to sign it. The consent form should never be signed under duress. Ask about anything you don't understand or want clarified.

Make Sure Your Surgeon is Qualified.

Some surgeons may have learned LASIK by taking a weekend course. The most qualified have completed a Fellowship in Refractive Surgery. A Fellowship in Refractive and Corneal Surgery entails an advanced training that occurs follows the completion of a 3-year ophthalmology training program. This training involves rigorous didactic and hands on work under the tutelage of an experienced surgeon. Fellows learn how to identify who are good candidates for LASIK, alternative vision correction procedures and how to handle postoperative complications.

Tips for Making LASIK Eye Surgery Affordable

You have made the decision to have LASIK and your doctor says you're a good candidate for surgery, but, now that you've looked at the cost of the procedure, you wonder how on Earth you can possibly afford to pay for it!

You are not alone; the cost of LASIK surgery is the biggest obstacle for most patients. However, LASIK can be a great investment, especially when you weigh its cost against the cost of wearing glasses or contact lenses for the rest of your life. And we can't even begin to put a price on the value of improving your vision, comfort and convenience.

No matter which LASIK surgeon you choose, there are several options available to make LASIK more affordable for you. However, you should never let a low price be the only deciding factor. We are talking about your eyesight here! LASIK can ruin your vision for the rest of your life if you put your eyesight in the hands of a poorly-trained LASIK surgeon using substandard laser technology. Touch-ups can be done, but LASIK is not reversible. Low-priced LASIK surgery may cost you far more in the long run, so think before you act.

Use Your Savings - If you have the available funds, the best way to pay for your LASIK surgery is from your savings. Paying for it out of your own pocket will mean that you won't be accumulating any debt that you'll need to pay off later. If you decide on this option, be sure to negotiate with your LASIK center for a cash discount. Also, keep in mind that there's a very good chance you won't need any type of corrective lenses after LASIK surgery, so factor these savings into your total cost.

Credit Cards - Unfortunately, credit cards usually charge you high interest rates. If you think you'll be able to pay off your credit card before you end up paying triple the cost of your LASIK surgery in credit card interest, by all means consider this option.

Apply for Financing - Thousands of people finance some of their health-related expenses these days - orthodontia for their kids, gastric bypass, liposuction, rhinoplasty (nose job), etc - because many of these elective procedures are not covered by health insurance. The monthly loan payments are very reasonable and will make the LASIK expense less painful. Talk to your LASIK center about your options; they may offer very reasonable in-house financing or partner with reputable financial institutions. You may be surprised to find low- or even no-interest loans, some requiring no down-payment or no payments at all for a few months; and the whole application process may take less than 15 minutes. You could also go directly to your bank, credit union or an online lender to apply for a personal loan or line of credit. Whichever decision you make, be sure the lender has no pre-payment penalty if you think you may be able to pay the loan off early.

ICL Surgery - Brinton Vision - (314) 375-2020

Guide to a Refractive Lens Exchange

Have you ever heard of a refractive lens exchange? This is when the lens of the eye is removed during a procedure and replaced with a new, artificial one. The artificial lens that is brought in is customized to the person's requirements - this means that if a person was previously long sighted this is corrected. Similarly if a person suffered from myopia (short sightedness) then this too can be fixed. In the past anyone who was either long or short sighted had little hope of every correcting this problem. The only option was really to wear glasses. This has now changed and with a refractive lens exchange a person's sight can be improved dramatically.

As well as being able to remove problems caused by long and short sight, a refractive lens exchange can also solve the problem of cataracts. As we age the lens in the eye can harden. Sometimes it can go a little cloudy too which can affect eyesight. This type of condition is known as a cataract. It is a very common condition that the elderly suffer from. A refractive lens exchange can ensure this problem is put right. The results are instantaneous too. If the sight is bad due to a lens that has degenerated over time then as soon as it is replaced with a new one, the sight returns to normal. Millions of people all over the world have enjoyed the benefits of refractive lens exchange. Not only is the cataract problem fixed, but it is fixed for good because it is impossible for the artificial lens to degenerate in the same way.

There are other types of surgery that can be undertaken by people suffering from eye problems and diseases. Laser eye surgery also works very well to correct serious problems with the eyes. During laser surgery, an incision is made in the cornea and a flap lifted. Lasers are then used on the stroma part of the eye to realign it as necessary. Laser surgery can also be used to relieve pressure built up due to the inability of fluid to flow freely around the eye. This condition is known as glaucoma. It can also stop blood vessels from leaking which can lead to the retina from detaching and cause eventual blindness. This happens when a person suffers from wet age-related macular degeneration.

ICL Surgery

If you think that you may be suffering from a condition of the eye, then the best course of action is to visit your nearest eye hospital. Keeping your eyes strong and healthy and free from problems is very important as life with impaired sight can be difficult. You should eat a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables as well as keep your body healthy through exercise. If you have a healthy body then you are more likely to have healthy eyes. Regular checkups are a very good idea, even if you believe your eyes are in perfect condition. Like many illnesses, catching an eye problem early leads to the greatest chance of successful treatment.

Brinton Vision