00:01 - Task was to add blood on the man's face and to make his hair look wet/bloody. To complete this shot I used smart vectors to place the FX blood element onto the man's face. I adjusted the color of the blood and created a noise pattern to use an alpha for the highlights on the blood. To make the hair look wet and bloody I used a combination of merge functions like geometric, hard/soft light, etc. to color and darken the man's hair, also using the blue channel to create an alpha channel to use for the highlights so that the hair looked wet and bloody, and give the hair that "wet shine".
00:04 - Task was to add blood onto the glass ball in the woman's hand. To complete this shot I used smart vectors, generated in NukeX to track the glass ball motion. I then used a combination of FX blood elements, color corrected them and attached them to the glass ball.
00:06 - Task was to add a blood hit in front of the man before he falls back. To complete this task I did a 2D track in Nuke and used an FX blood element to create the blood hit. I then adjusted the element using time offset, color correct, and added some directional blur.
00:07 - Task was to add a blood hit behind the man's head. To complete this task I did a 2D track in Nuke and used an FX blood element. I then color corrected it and added some directional blur.
00:08 - Task was to add a blood hit to the back of the man. To complete this shot I used smart vectors, generated in NukeX to track the area of his shirt where the blood patch would be placed. I then added a red patch of blood on his back, darkened the snow in the areas where the blood hit went over the snow so that the blood is more visible/evident. I used an FX element for the blood splatter.
00:10 - 00:15 - Task was to add snow to the FG. To complete this task I added a snow element from the FX folder. I color corrected and transformed it to match the plate motion.
00:17 - Task was to add content to the phone. To complete this shot I used a corner pin track that I generated in Mocha. I also used a few merge operations to pull the original reflection from the plate and overlay it back on top of the phone insert.
00:19 - Task was to comp in a muzzle flash. To complete this shot I added a Muzzle flash to the shot, and color corrected it to blend in with the plate.
00:23 - Task was to comp in a muzzle flash. To complete this shot I added a muzzle flash to shot, adjusted color, blur, and added a hint of the flash color to areas of the plate that should be affected by the color of the muzzle flash.
00:26 - Task was to darken the glass of the storefront and door, as well as the interior of the store. To complete this shot, I first had to roto the woman, railing and anything going over the glass areas of the shot. Next I used a grade to darken the glass. I created a roto for the railing in mocha to track it with the movement of the camera.
00:32 - Task was to flatten the turning record. To complete this shot, I created a clean plate for the area of the wall behind the record player. Then I created roto elements for the woman's hand, and areas in areas near the record that was lifted. I then took a patch from the original plate where the record was already flat. Used the loop function to extend the flat playing record for the length of the shot, and merged that looping flat record over the clean plate I created.
00:38 - Driving Comp. To complete this task I keyed and despilled the original plate. Merged a core and edge matte to create the alpha channel. I tracked and stabilized the BG plate to remove the jumping that is common for driving footage. I then color corrected and defocused the BG plate to match the other shots in the sequence. It was also requested that I slow down the original BG footage so I used the time warp.
00:41 - Driving Comp. To complete this task I keyed and despilled the original plate. Merged a core and edge matte to create the alpha channel. I tracked and stabilized the BG plate to remove the jumping that is common for driving footage. I then color corrected and defocused the BG plate to match the other shots in the sequence. I also had to key a color correct node to apply to the BG plate to account for the lighting changes in the original plate.
00:45 - Driving Comp. To complete this task I keyed and despilled the original plate. Merged a core and edge matte to create the alpha channel. I tracked and stabilized the BG plate to remove the jumping that is common for driving footage. I then color corrected and defocused the BG plate to match the other shots in the sequence. I also had to adjust the front windshield to make it look more like glass.
00:59 - Driving Comp. To complete this shot I keyed and despilled the original plate. Merged a core and edge matte to create the alpha channel. I tracked and stabilized the BG plate to remove the jumping that is common for driving footage. I then color corrected and defocused the BG plate to match the other shots in the sequence. It was also requested that I add reflections and dirt to the windshield. For the dirt I used a textured FX element, blurred and color corrected it. I also adjusted the front windshield color to make it look more like glass. The front windshield also needed a reflection so I used a reflection plate that was provided and adjusted the color, blur and transparency, tracked the plate then attached the moving reflection pass to the plate using a match-move track.
01:04 - Driving Comp. To complete this shot I keyed and despilled the original plate. Merged a core and edge matte to create the alpha channel. I tracked and stabilized the BG plate to remove the jumping that is common for driving footage. I then color corrected and defocused the BG plate to match the other shots in the sequence. I needed to reintroduce the lines for the rear window that were lost in the keying process. I also needed to adjust the defocus for the BG to get the correct bokeh effect for the lights of the cars in the BG plate.
01:08 - Driving Comp. To complete this shot I keyed and despilled the original plate. Merged a core and edge matte to create the alpha channel. I tracked and stabilized the BG plate to remove the jumping that is common for driving footage. I then color corrected and defocused the BG plate to match the other shots in the sequence. It was also requested that I add reflections and dirt to the windshield. For the dirt I used a textured FX element, defocused and color corrected it.