Invited Talks & Tutorials
"Beyond Connectivity: When Wireless Communications Meet Generative AI", Invited panelist, IEEE WCNC, Dubai, 21 April 2024
"Advanced next generation telecoms networks through large language models", Invited panelist, 6G Summit, Abu Dhabi, 16-17 November 2023.
"Communicating in the presence of goals", Invited for the AI TII Seminar, Technology Innovation Institute at Abu Dhabi, April 2023.
"Quantization revisited a bit", Invited for the AI TII Seminar, Technology Innovation Institute at Abu Dhabi, Tue 26 July 2022.
"Virality games", Invited seminar at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris Saclay, Fri 24 June 2022.
"Decision-making oriented clustering", Invited seminar at PGMO Days, Saclay, December 1 2021.
"Gestion décentralisée d'une épidémie : efficacité globale et application au Covid-19", Invited seminar for the Journées Fédération Charles Hermite on Covid 19, Nancy, 14 October 2021.
"Panel Perspectives dans le domaine de la recherche : quelle vision de l’évolution des domaines techniques ", Grands Prix de la SEE, Paris, December 2019.
"Panel Intelligence Artifielle et Smart Grid", 4eme édition "Invest in Smart Grids", Columbus Consulting, Paris, May 2019.
"Game theory : Fundamentals and Application to Wireless and Electricity Networks", Cours Bachelier, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, June 2018.
"Coordination in disytributed networks: Application to smart grids and wireless networks", GAMENETS, Seoul, South Korea, keynote speech, May 2018.
"Electric vehicle charging games", SEEDS-Efficacity-GdR MACS-CNRS Workshop on Micro and Smart Grids, Champs-sur-Marne, France, invited speaker, October 2017. [PDF]
"Théorie des jeux : introduction et applications". Assemblée Générale CRAN, invited talk, June 2017.
"Coded power control", 5th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, keynote speaker, May 2017.
"Distributed power control, power modulation, and coded power", IEEE 5G Summit, Casablanca, Morocco, May 2017, keynote speaker.
"Control subject to computational and communication constraints, ANR Workshop CO4, Toulouse, 26-28 Oct. 2016, invited talk.
"Game Theory, Learning, and Cognitive Radio", 11th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM), Grenoble, France, May 30 - June 1, 2016, 3h-tutorial. [PDF].
"Limiting performance of decentralized power control", The IEEE Communication Theory Workshop (CTW), 15-18 May, Nafplia, Greece, 2016, plenary talk. [PDF].
"Contrôle de puissance décentralisé et efficacité globale", GDR ISIS, Paris, France, March 15, 2016, plenary talk [PDF].
"Performance characterization of stochastic games with i.i.d. states", NETLEARN Workshop on Learning and Networks, Paris, France, 9 October 2015, plenary talk. [PDF]
"Game Theory and Communications: Fundamentals, Algorithmic Aspects, and Dynamical Aspects ", 12th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 5h-tutorial, Brussels, Belgium, 25–28 August 2015. [PDF].
"More about more about optimal use of communication resources", 26th International Conference on Game Theory, Workshop in honour of Abraham Neyman, Stony Brook, USA, 26-28 July 2015, plenary talk. [PDF].
"Electrical vehicle charging games", In'Tech Research Day, INRIA, Grenoble, France, 30 June 2015, plenary talk. [PDF].
"Quantization and control", JDMACS Summer School, 6èmes Journées Doctorales & Journées Nationales du GDR MACS, Bourges, France, 16-17 June 2015, 1h-tutorial.[PDF].
2014 DIGICOSME Research Days, "Dynamic games and application to communication networks", Paris, France, July 2014, 1h-tutorial. [PDF].
10th Workshop on Optimization and Information Systems COSI'2014,Béjaia, Algeria, June 2014, 3h-tutorial. [PDF].
"Game Theory", International spring school, Mathematical Tools for Distributed Storage and Coding, Labex Digicosme, 3h-tutorial, Paris, France, May 2014. [PDF].
"Coordination implicite entre preneurs de décision", séminaire COPHY, CRAN, Nancy, April 2014. [PDF].
"Broderie autour des jeux du sans fil", séminaire Café Sciences de l'Ecole Centrale de Paris, Châtenay-Malabry, March 2014. [PDF].
"Game theory and cognitive radio", International conference on military communications and information systems conference (MCC), plenary talk, Saint-Malo, France, Oct. 2013. [PDF].
“More about optimal use of communication resources”, International Workshop on Stochastic Methods in Game Theory, plenary talk, International School of Mathematics G. Stampacchia, Erice, Italy, Sep. 2013. [PDF].
"Distributed optimization under imperfect monitoring", International Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory: Learning Algorithms and Dynamics in Distributed Systems, plenary talk, Grenoble, France, Jul. 2013.
"A talk about Repeated games and Energy-efficiency", International Workshop on Signal Processing and Optimization for Wireless Communications: In Memory of Prof. Are Hjørungnes, keynote speech, Trondheim, Norway, May 2013. [Workshop booklet PDF].
"Dynamic games and energy-efficient power control", Princeton University, USA, July 2012. [PDF].
"Contrôle de puissance distribué dans les réseaux sans fils", keynote speech, Paris, May 2012, GDR MACS - ARC Working Group. [PDF]
"Dynamic games, learning, and distributed optimization for wireless networks", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 3h-tutorial, Paris, April 2012. [PDF]
"Information constraints based on coding theorems", plenary talk, Games Toulouse, Toulouse, France, Sep. 2011. [PDF]
"Game theory for wireless networks, the case of power control", Institut Gaspard Monge, Marne-la-Vallée, Jun. 2011. [PDF]
"Multiuser channels and games", Séminaire Parisien de Théorie des Jeux, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, Jun. 2011. [PDF]
3-day tutorial on "Wireless games", Orange Labs, June 2010. [PDF]
Tutorial on "The interplay between Shannon Theory and Game Theory", Ecole d'été de théorie des jeux du GdR Maths-Info, Aussois, France, May-Jun. 2010. [PDF]
"Game theory for cognitive networks", plenary talk, NEWCOM++ Spring School on Cognitive Wireless Communication Networks, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy, May 2010. [PDF].
"Energy-efficient communications", Oslo, Norway, Nov. 2008. [PDF]
"Information theoretic congestion games in heterogeneous wireless networks'', Univ. of Grenoble, France, May 2008.
Tutorial on "Game theory for wireless communications", IEEE Intl. Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Cannes, France, Sep. 2008. [PDF].
"Hierarchical power control", Avignon, France, Apr. 2008. [PDF]
"A Stackelberg formulation of energy-efficient power control games in partially cognitive wireless networks", Univ. Clermont-Ferrand, France, Feb. 2008. [PDF]
"Compression et transmission des signaux", plenary talk, Journées X-ENS-UPS, Paris, France, May 2008. [PDF]
"Une caricature de la téléphonie cellulaire", plenary talk, Journées X-ENS-UPS, Paris, France, May 2006. [PDF]
"R-Capacity for Binary Symmetric Channels with Mismatched Decoding", Vienna, Austria, Aug. 2005. [PDF]
"Channels with side information. Application", Cornell University, USA, June 2005. [PDF]
"Cooperative broadcast channels", Cornell University, USA, Nov. 2004. [PDF]
"Techniques d'estimation semi-aveugle basées sur les méthodes du second ordre pour le mode TDD de l'UMTS", Research Group for Telecommunications -- GT9, Paris, France, Apr. 2000. [PDF]