
In the past two years I've been working in a tutoring group at UFABC called ++C&TpM. The main objective of our project is to encourage the inclusion of women in the predominantly male technology area today. Our main activities are divided in three subgroups:

(1) Research group, in which we seek to understand the causes of the low number of women in the area through data collected at the university and research with our students.

(2) Social networks, through which we disclose the events we hold, courses and curiosities about technology and women in technology. We also have a website where we make our materials and content available.

(3) Courses, in which we invite university girls and external audiences for an introduction to programming logic and Python or JSS course.

Since the beggining of project, I've been teaching the course of Python.

Bellow, it is possible to find the article "A report on motivation strategies and programming logic teaching for and by women" we wrote for the WAlgProg (Workshop on Teaching Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming), which is part of CBIE (Brazilian Congress of Informatics in Education), in which we got the first place for best article.
