

"The Effect of Wage Proposals on efficiency and Income Distribution" (joint with Joaquín Gómez-Miñambres, Natalia Jiménez and Praveen Kujal) . Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2023), 216, pages 469-493. [link]

"The effect of domain and framing on elicited risk aversion". (joint with Maria Paz Espinosa). PLoS ONE 17(9): e0267696. (2022)  [link]

"Framing Effects on Risk-Taking Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Multiple Choice Test" (joint with Pau Balart and Iñigo Hernandez-Arenaz). Experimental Economics, (2022). [link]

"Self-selecting into being a dictator: Distributional Consequences. " (joint with Praveen Kujal). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, (2020), 101559. [link]

"Cheating, incentives and Money Manipulation" (joint with Gary Charness, Celia Blanco and  Ismael Rodriguez-Lara). Experimental Economics (2019) 22, pages 155-177. [link]

"Gender Differences in Cheating: Loss vs Gain Framing” (joint with Gueorgui Kolev and Ismael Rodríguez-Lara). Economics Letters, (2018), Vol. 163, pages 46-49. [link]

Working papers

"Unraveling Soft-Commitment: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Recycling" (joint with Eduard Alonso-Pauli, Pau Balart and Iñigo Hernandez-Arenaz) [link]