I am a Full Professor of Development Economics at the Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg where I use applied econometrics, theory, and behavioral research in the area of sustainable economic development. I am particularly interested to evaluate the effect of economic policy , e.g. to reduce vulnerability of poor households. A lot of my work investigates insurance in low-income countries, with a special focus on health. In particular, I analyze different impact evaluations on health insurance provision in Pakistan. Additionally, I am interested in decisions under risk and uncertainty, as well as prosocial preferences. My more recent ongoing work deals with the adaptation to the impacts of climate change. I conducted several large-scale impact evaluations, randomized control trials and behavioral experiments in the Philippines, Germany, Vietnam, China and Pakistan, all of them including primary data collection. Prior to joining the FAU, I held research positions at University of Göttingen, Paris School of Economics, and University of Mannheim, from where I also hold a PhD.