Lamar '64 in the news

Margo Sappington 2019

'Jacklyn Smith stunning at 70' October 2015

Tommy Tune designated "a living landmark" in 2015

From NY Times May 3, 2012: "Nature's Call Draws Views for a Texan's Political Ad"

"Roland Sledge, a Houston lawyer, is seeking a seat on the state commission that regulates the oil and gas industries. His online ad has drawn attention for its visual riff on a Will Rogers quote.                           

In the ad, Roland Sledge, a 66-year-old Houston energy lawyer, stares into a camera while standing in an Austin pasture and says what no other candidate for public office in Texas has ever said: “Isn’t it about time we elected political leaders that have sense enough not to pee on electric fences?”

*Roland TELLS IT on YouTube