Prof. (Dr.)  Lalit Kumar Vashisht

Dr.  Lalit  Kumar  (Ph. D.   University of Delhi)


Department of Mathematics 

University of Delhi

Delhi -110 007.

Phone Office: +91-011-27666658


 My Research Interests

Frames for Banach Spaces;  Hilbert Frames; Wavelet Analysis;

 Fourier analysis;  Functional Analysis.



Research Publications 

Conference Papers 

Research Guidance

(I)      Ph.  D. 

 The following scholars have completed and got  the Ph. D. Degree

The following scholars are currently  doing Ph. D.  


(II)      Postdoctoral Students 

 The following scholars are under PostDoc Fellowship


(III)     M. Phil.

The following scholars have completed and  got the M. Phil. Degree

Conference Participation

 Invited Talk 

Paper Presentation


            Organized  Conferences/Symposiums / Seminars

Talks in FDP 


1.  International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution  and  Information  Processing  (IJWMIP).

    2.  Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences. 

Courses Taught

U G Level: Real Analysis;  Calculus;  Metric Space;  Linear Algebra;  Group Theory;   Ring Theory;  Mechanics;  Biomathematics;  Differential Equations;   Partial Differential Equations.

P G Level:  Functional Analysis;  Complex Analysis;   Matrix Analysis;   Fourier Analysis;  Measure & Integration; General Measure Theory;  Frames & Wavelets; Theory of Bounded Operators;  Operators on Hardy-Hilbert Spaces.

M.Phil. / Ph.D. Coursework: Advanced Frame Theory;  Research Methodology.