Corridor Management Plan

The Lake Sunapee Byway Committee developed a corridor management plan in 2009-2010, which is a plan for the future of the byway and directs the work of the Byway Committee.

Corridor Management Plans for Scenic Byways identify the important resources (scenic, cultural, historic, archaeological, recreational, and natural) along the byway and address how to balance the protection and promotion of these resources.

The plan was adopted by the Byway Committee on September 9, 2010.

The one-page Executive Summary (PDF file size - 34 KB) is available for download.

The full Corridor Management Plan is available for download in three PDF files:

Corridor Management Plan (1.2 MB)

Appendix A (134 KB)

Appendix B (408 KB)

Vision for the Lake Sunapee Byway of Newbury, New London, and Sunapee, NH

The Lake Sunapee Byway welcomes travelers seeking alternatives to the beaten path, linking several villages, each with a unique connection to the history and culture of the Lake Sunapee region. The 39-mile route encircles Lake Sunapee, connecting visitors to vibrant communities and natural scenery. The lakes, mountains, and forests offer striking vistas and a multitude of recreational opportunities. In the village centers, history and modern-day culture converge, where old buildings are adapted for new uses and the traditions of yesteryear are still observed.

The Lake Sunapee Byway reflects the best of New England tradition, recognizing and protecting the qualities that make this region unique. The byway will develop and strengthen connections between the communities around the lake, encouraging tourism, historic preservation, arts and culture, and natural resources protection.