About Us

The Lakeland Conference Music group is the cohort of band and choir directors that meet and collaborate from the 13 schools in the Lakeland Conference of western Wisconsin.  Please contact one of our officers if you have any questions that the website may not be able to answer.


Kristen Wallace

School Phone: (715) 263-2113 ext.1116

or (715) 263-2117 (elementary)

School Fax: (715) 263-3550

email: kwallace@clwarriors.org

President Elect

Tyler Halverson 

School Phone: (715) 458-5947

School Fax: (715) 458-4236

email: thalverson@cameron.k12.wi.us


Danielle Zebro

School Phone: (715) 948-2163 x405

School Fax: (715) 948-2362

email: zebrod@claytonsd.k12.wi.us


Scott Jensen

School Phone: (715) 458-4560 ext. 5948

School Fax: (715) 458-4236

email: sjensen@cameron.k12.wi.us