Teaching: "Maths are made with the head and they are taught with the heart" - Claudi Alsina

Teaching activity

Open University of Catalonia (2016-Present)

Typology and life cycle of data (Msc. in Data Science), Autumn 2017, Autumn 2018, Autumn 2019,  Autumn 2021, Autumn 2022.

Knowledge representation (Bsc. in Computer Science), Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Sprint 2023.

Fundamentals of data science (Msc. in Business Intelligence and Data Analysis), Spring 2017.

IT Academy mentor (2021 - Present). Data Science. 

Barcelona Technology School (2018-2019)

Supervision of Masters final projects. (Master in Big Data Solutions)

Pompeu Fabra University (Summer 2011, Summer 2012)

How to take advantage of social networks.

IES Joan Boscà (2009)

Mathematics teacher (90 hours). Director: Mrs. Milagros Moreno

Subirats, L. Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude report, 2009. URL.

Summer camps of the Catalan Government (Summer 2005)

English teacher

Teaching materials

Subirats, L., Calvo, M. Web scraping. Open University of Catalonia. 2019. URL.

Calvo, M., Perez, D., Subirats, L. Introducció a la neteja i anàlisi de dades. Open University of Catalonia. 2019. URL

Calvo, M., Pérez, D., Subirats, L. Introducción al ciclo de vida de los datos. Open University of Catalonia. 2019. URL.

Teaching projects

Emotional thermometer for teaching (Spring 2017). Sentiment analysis for teaching (APLICA 2016), Open University of Catalonia.

Institutional tasks to improve the eHealth Master (Spring 2017). Design of the curriculum, Open University of Catalonia.

Final / Msc. thesis supervision

[T23] Bonilla Garzón, A. Segmentación del estudiantado universitario: el caso Udima. Msc of Data Science, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 2023, URL.

[T22] Plo Moreno, J. Arquitectura de un sistema de ayuda a la prevención de casos de violencia de género en España. Msc. of Data Science, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 2023, URL

[T21] Planas, L. Análisis de la depresión y la ansiedad causadas por un aborto usando datos de Twitter. (co-advisor: Davide Cirillo) Msc. of Data Science, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2022, URL. with honors!

[T20] Mato, D. Detección de perfiles de estudiante en la educación universitaria durante el COVID-19 mediante aprendizaje no supervisado. Msc. of Data Science, Open University of Catalonia, 2021.

[T19] Dalmases, J. Anàlisi de les dades a Twitter del Dia Mundial de Malalties Minoritàries. (Co-advisor: Elisenda Bonet) Msc. of Data Science, Open University of Catalonia, 2020.  URL

[T18] Alegria, L. Análisis de datos de la cantidad de oxígeno que el organismo puede absorber, transportar y consumir en un tiempo determinado. (Co-advisor: Eloy Martínez de las Heras) Msc. of Data Science, Open University of Catalonia, 2020. 

[T17] Sánchez-Temporal, R. Estudio del conjunto de datos NHANES mediante el empleo de técnicas de aprendizaje no supervisado. Msc. of Data Science, Open University of Catalonia, 2020. URL.

[T16] Gutiérrez, T. A Product Data Matching System for an e-Commerce Aggregator. Msc. of Data Science, Open University of Catalonia, 2019. 

[T15] Crespo, M.J. Análisis de la Encuesta de Salud Nacional y Examen de Nutrición de Estados Unidos (NHANES) usando machine learning. Msc. of Data Science, Open University of Catalonia, 2019. URL.

[T14] Vivancos, X. Analysis of Twitter data on the World Health Day. Thesis in the Msc. of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2018. URL.

[T13] Sánchez, D. Unsupervised learning in social networks about rare diseases. Thesis in the Msc. of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2018.

[T12] Mañoso, L. Analysis of the impact of social networks on fast-fashion brands. Thesis in the Msc. of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2018.

[T11] Mata, K. Using Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning to Detect Cyberbullying Patterns on Twitter. Thesis in the Msc. of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2018. with honors!

[T10] Kreplak, G. Corporación Favorita Grocery Sales Forecasting. Thesis in the Msc. of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2018. URL. Top 17% and 269/1675 position in the Kaggle competition of Corporación Favorita. Thesis featured by Open University of Catalonia. with honors!

[T9] Piñeiro, E. Design, construction and operation of a data warehouse for the analysis of the health surveys of Catalonia. (co-advisor: Jordi Conesa). Thesis in the Msc. of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2018. URL. with honors!

[T8] Yébenes-Montenegro, J. A. Analyzing student alcohol consumption using machine learning. Thesis in the Msc. of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2017. URL. with honors!

[T7] Anton-Blanco, A. Explaining Stock Exchange Prices using supervised learning and sentiment analysis. Thesis in the Msc. of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2017. URL. with honors!

[T6] Carreras, J. Needs and feasibility of an eHealth integration platform: unification of data and standardization to facilitate diagnosis. Msc. Thesis in the Msc. of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2017. 

[T5] Reguera, N. Rare Diseases in Facebook groups: evaluation of the line of action of FEDER through text mining. (co-advisor: Manuel Armayones). Thesis in the Postgraduate of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2017. URL. Thesis featured by the Spanish Rare Diseases Association. with honors!

[T4] Córdova-Mateo, E. Analysis and Prediction of Airlines' popularity on Twitter. Thesis in the Postgraduate of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2017. with honors!

[T3] Planas, J. Data analysis to predict click-through rates on a mobile ad. Thesis in the Postgraduate of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2017. with honors!

[T2] Bartoli, G. Prediction of the use of bicycle sharing using machine learning. Thesis in the Postgraduate of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2017. 

[T1] Huray, M. Machine learning for the analysis of hospital admissions in diabetes. Thesis in the Postgraduate of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis, Open University of Catalonia, 2017.