Bingo Trade knows successes in Online Bingo Top Prizes

The 5th Annual Online Bingo Summit Prizes have just taken home at London’s Park Plaza Victoria Hotel, and some of the band after Online Bingo were there to see all the action. Anybody who is anyone in the online bingo industry were gathered for the obligatory annual chow-towing and this year more than any other the awards proved to be somewhat of a

Place at London’s Park Plaza Victoria Hotel, and some of the gang from Bingo were there to see all the action. Anyone who is anyone in the online bingo industry were gathered for the obligatory annual ingratiating and this year more than any other the awards proved to be somewhat of a surprise to the excited audience. The awards are actually given to those that receive the most votes by their trade peers and some in the bingo industry have felt that there is an element of strategic voting not dissimilar to the storm that the Eurovision Song Contest attracts. Still this year there were a few surprises for the crowd when the winners were finally announced.

Quality Union scoop two prizes

The prizes were given away by Greg Scott, a rare choice because to be political, his style of performance can only be described as cringe-worthy, that said it didn’t take the shine of the minutes too much. First to the stand to collect their prize was the winner of the best online info portal, and to the met crowds wonder this was won by Bingo Port. Had some great names as nominees but in the end the ubiquitous Tea and Bingo won this particular trophy, with the charming Haj Ramadan attractive to the platform to gather the reward. Other notable prizes were given to Good point Union for the Best Online Software, Lady Love Bingo for the Best Marketing Campaign with the memorable The One that I Want television campaign, Virtue Fusion scooped yet another award for the Best Online bingo games free to play The final top glory of the evening still was given for the Best Online Bingo Operator and this award was collected by Lady Love Bingo, a very useful winner.

Celebration time……

The prizes and summit are ordered by Bullet Trade and the collected online bingo industry VIPs are able to use the event as a useful networking opportunity and unlike some other gaming conferences the emphasis is purely online bingo. There is an overall much more relaxed feeling to the meetings and discussions basis with rarely a stuffed shirt in sight. In fact because online bingo is a young industry compared to some others there is a distinct air of youth and vitality, so more dress down than dress up. After the awards were given it was then time for the online bingo industry audience to finally let their hair down and visit a nightclub to celebrate in style with the Online Bingo Summit Awards after-party.