Б.Т. Поляк (Boris Polyak)
On February 3, 2023, after a serious illness at the age of 88, Polyak Boris Teodorovich passed away.
Obituaries and memorials are posted on https://memorialsource.com/memorial/polyak
and https://forms.gle/qS1UBqto5j5UQNcH9 (extended, Google account needed)
MIPT (in Russian): https://labmmo.ru/news/10-ushel-iz-zhizni-boris-teodorovich-poljak.html
IFAC Newsletter No.1, Feb. 2023 https://www.ifac-control.org/newsletter_archive/IFAC_Newsletter_2023_1_February.pdf
Будущие мероприятия и спецвыпуски
Секция на конференции OPTIMA 2023 (англ): http://agora.guru.ru/display.php?conf=OPTIMA-2023
(аннотации до 1 июня, полная версия до 1 июля)Спец-выпуск журнала JOTA (англ): https://www.springer.com/journal/10957/updates/24616868 (сообщить до 1 мая, текст до 1 сентября 2023)
Спец-выпуск Журнала вычислительной математики и математической физики (рус. + англ): до 15 сентября 2023 г. отправить на почту comp_mat@ccas.ru, compmath@mail.ru, comp_math_2@mail.ru and gasnikov@yandex.ru с темой письма "Polyak's special Issue".
Встречи и видео
Рассказ о работе Бориса Теодоровича на учёном совете ИПУ РАН https://www.ipu.ru/press-center/72402
Запись заседания Общероссийского семинара по оптимизации 17.02.2023 , посвящённое Борису Теодоровичу: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVC3iNZL5oM
Planned memorial events and special issues
XIV International Conference "Optimization and Applications" (OPTIMA-2023), Petrovac, Montenegro on September 18 - 22, 2023,
Mathematical Programming section, dedicated to Boris T. Polyak at (hybrid format) http://agora.guru.ru/display.php?conf=OPTIMA-2023Special Issue: Optimization, Control and Their Applications in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. Announcement https://www.springer.com/journal/10957/updates/24616868 (deadline September 1, 2023)
Special Issue in Journal of Computational mathematics and Mathematical Physics (accepts in English as well). To be sent to comp_mat@ccas.ru, compmath@mail.ru, comp_math_2@mail.ru and gasnikov@yandex.ru with the subject: Polyak's special Issue. The deadline is September 15, 2023.
Работы Бориса Теодоровича Поляка
(лаборатория 7 Института проблем управления РАН, Москва)
Предыдущие события:
Далекий остров, (Семь искусств, 7(123) июль 2020)
Видео интервью, 2017.
Международная конференция Оптимизация и управление, 2010.
Boris Polyak works
(Institute for Control Sciences RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Previous events:
Conference Optimization and Applications in Control and Data Sciences, 2015.
International conference Optimization and Control, 2010.
Bibliography help needed!
We are looking for few journal papers in English (some are translation from Russian). If you have access to the texts, please contact atremba@ipu.ru
Poljak BT and Tretjakov NV (1974), "On an Iterative Method for Linear Programming and Its Economical Interpretations", Matekon. Vol. 10(3), pp. 81-100.
Tsypkin JZ and Poliak BT (1974), "Attainable Accuracy of Adaptive Algorithms", Soviet Physics--Doklady. Vol. 19, pp. 562-563.
Poliak BT (1977), "On the Comparison of Gradient Method and Random Search Method", Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. Vol. 11(3), pp. 59-62.
Polyak BT (1977), "Comparison of the Convergence Rate for Single-Step and Multi-Step Optimization Algorithms in the Presence of Noise", Engineering Cybernetics. Vol. 15(1), pp. 6-10.
Tsypkin JZ and Poliak BT (1980), "Optimal Pseudogradient Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization", Soviet Physics--Doklady. Vol. 25, pp. 85-87.
Polyak BT and Tsypkin JZ (1983), "Optimal and Robust Estimation of Autoregression Coefficients", Engineering Cybernetics. Vol. 21(1), pp. 100-109.
Nemirovski AS and Polyak BT (1984), "Iterative Methods for Solution of Linear Ill-Posed Problems under Exact Information. I", Engineering Cybernetics. Vol. 22(3), pp. 1-11.
Nemirovski AS and Polyak BT (1984), "Iterative Methods for Solution of Linear Ill-Posed Problems under Exact Information. II", Engineering Cybernetics. Vol. 22(4), pp. 50-56.
Tsypkin YZ and Polyak BT (1990), "Frequency Criteria for Robust Modality of Linear Discrete Systems", Soviet Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. Vol. 23(4), pp. 1-7.
Polyak BT and Panchenko OB (1997), "Probabilistic Approach to Stability Problem for Interval Matrices", Doklady Mathematics. Vol. 55(2), pp. 309-311 ???.
Polyak BT and Nazin SA (2006), "Estimation of Parameters in Linear Multidimensional Systems under Interval Uncertainty", Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. Vol. 38(2), pp. 19-33.
Борис Теодорович похоронен на Северном Востряковском кладбище (участок 92).