Perfect Enlightenment Buddhist Association of Massachusetts

 Kuan Yin Temple

地址 Address:

480 Quincy Ave

Quincy, MA 02169

電話/傳真 Phone/Fax:


電郵 Email:

法會時間 Service Hours:

每星期日 Every Sunday Morning


第一個星期日 - 藥師法會 (上午九點半至中午十二點)

第二個星期日 - 水懺法會 (上午九點至下午點)

第三個星期日 - 大悲懺法會 (上午九點半至中午十二點)

第四個星期日 - 念佛迴向 (上午九點半至中午十二點)

逢法會後, 本寺提供吉祥如意齋與大眾結緣。歡迎各位善信及四方好友參加。

如果觀音寺的停車場已滿, 請使用 Quincy Mental Health Center 的停車場在 460 Quincy Ave (出觀音寺後右轉, 前行約15碼後再右轉往進入醫院車道)如你想看地圖, 請按此處請停泊於右手邊接近觀音寺的停車場。

Our temple is named after Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin is the Chinese name). The temple is in a brick building. Parking is in the back of the building. Please enter the temple through that back entrance.

If the temple's parking lot is full, please use Quincy Mental Health Center's parking lot at 460 Quincy Ave. To get there, when exiting the temple's driveway, turn right onto the street, then turn right into the next driveway (click here to view street map). Please park only in their lower right hand side parking lot that's close to the temple.

2025 年行事曆 (請按此處)

2025 Schedule (please click)


Upcoming Special Services & Events:

農曆 十二月初六 上午九點半至中午十二點

陽曆 01/05/25 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM


答謝佛恩齋三寶諸天法會, 還福

Buddha Sakyamuni’s Enlightenment Day Service

Thanksgiving and Gratitude for the Blessings

農曆 正月初一至初三 上午九點半至下午四點

陽曆 01/29/25-01/31/25 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

慶祝彌勒菩薩聖誕法會, 拜藥師懺

本會特向各善信同慶新年, 共增福慧

Lunar New Year, Bodhisattva Maitreya’s Birthday,

Bhaisajyaguru (Medicine Buddha) / Repentance Service

農曆 正月初五 上午九點半至中午十二點

陽曆 02/02/25 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Bhaisajyaguru (Medicine Buddha) Sutra Service

農曆 正月十二 上午九點半至中午十二點

陽曆 02/09/25 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM


New Year Blessings Service