- 5/30 (木) 15:30 - 17:00 [研究報告]
- 池田晃彦(京都先端科学大学): "Currency Swap Agreements and Financial Crises in Small Open Economies"
- 6/20 (木) 15:30 - 17:00 [研究報告]
- 日野将志(The Ohio State University PhD): "Consumption tax as a source of discrete choice
- 8/22 (木) 15:30 -17:00 [研究報告]
- 金原大植(神戸大学, 日本学術振興会 PD): "R&D cycle in a fully-endogenous growth model with population growth"
- 10/24 (木) 15:30-17:00 [研究報告]
- 広野誠(同志社大学, 博士課程)"Population Aging , Human Capital Accumulation, Sectoral Employment"
- 12/19 (木) 15:30-17:00 [研究報告]
- Le Vu Hai(京都大学, 博士課程)"Credit Standards and Business Cycle in a Small Open Economy"