Michigan State University


Professor of Economics

Director of Graduate Admissions

Michigan State University

110 Marshall-Adams Hall

486 W. Circle Drive

East Lansing, MI 48824

email | Tel. +1 517-353-9008 

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Short Bio: Kyoo il Kim is a Professor of Economics at Michigan State University. He also worked at the University of Minnesota, Amazon.com, Sungkyunkwan University, and Singapore Management University. He completed a B.A. at Seoul National University and a Ph.D. in Economics at UCLA. His research focuses on topics in Econometrics and Industrial Organization including differentiated products demand, discrete choices, random coefficient models, hedonic pricing, nonparametric identification, control function methods, production function, firm productivity, corporate social responsibility, and minimum wage. 

Recent Work

Collusion or Competition? Evaluating the Firm Behaviors in the Instant Noodle Market,” (with In Kyung Kim) (pdf)

Identification of Dynamic Panel Logit Models with Fixed Effects,” (with Christopher Dobronyi and Jiaying Gu) (pdf)

Does It Pay To Be a Reputable Company? Insights from the Instant Noodle Market,” (with Young Jin Hong and In Kyung Kim) (pdf)

Investment Functions with q in the Presence of Unobserved Persistent Shocks” (with Suyong Song and Jiawei Wang)

Economic Effects of a Rapid Increase in the Minimum Wage: Evidence from South Korean Experiments,” (with Taeyoung Doh, Sungil Kim, Kyungho Song, and Hwanoong Lee) (pdf)

Estimation of Bidder's Latent Value in Sequential English Auctions with Uncertainty in Future Supply,” (with Dongwoo Kim, Haoyang Li and Pallavi Pal)

Identification of Nonseparable Models with Endogenous Controls,” (with Kaicheng Chen) (pdf)

Journal Articles

Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Choice: Lessons from the Milk Boycott,” (with In Kyung Kim), Management Science forthcoming (pdf) (online appendix)

Under-Identification of Structural Models Based on Timing and Information Set Assumptions,” (with Dan Ackerberg, Garth Frazer, Yao Luo, and Yingjun Su), Journal of Econometrics, 237(1), 105463, 2023 (pdf)

The Information Bound of a Dynamic Panel Logit Model with Fixed Effects - Corrigendum,” (with Jiaying Gu and Jinyong Hahn), Econometric Theory, 39(1), 219, 2023 (pdf)

No Beer No Friends: Quantifying the Effect of the Beer Boycott,” (with In Kyung Kim), Journal of Industrial Economics, 70(3), 711-751, 2022 (pdf)

Semiparametric Estimation of Signaling Games with Equilibrium Refinements,” Econometric Reviews, 41(2), 231-267, 2022 (pdf) (online appendix)

A Generalized Non-parametric Instrumental Variable-Control Function Approach to Estimation in Non-linear Settings,” (with Amil Petrin), Journal of Econometric Methods, 11(1), 91-125, 2022 (pdf)

Control Variables Approach to Estimate Semiparametric Models of Mismeasured Endogenous Regressors with an Application to U.K. Twin Data,” (with Suyong Song), Econometric Reviews, 41(4), 448-483, 2022 (pdf) (online appendix)

Who Commits Fraud? Evidence from Korean Gas Stations,” (with Christian Ahlin and In-Kyung Kim), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 76, 102719, 2021 (pdf)

Aggregate Productivity Growth and Firm Dynamics in Korean Manufacturing 2007-2017,” (with Jin Ho Park and Kyungho Song), International Economic Journal, 35(3), 289-313, 2021 (pdf)

Minimum Wage and Productivity: Analysis of Manufacturing Industry of Korea,” (with Seung Whan Ryuk), Quarterly Economic Analysis, Vol.26-1, 1-33, 2020, Bank of Korea (pdf

A Robust Approach to Estimating Production Functions: Replication of the ACF procedure,” (with Yao Luo and Yingjun Su), Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(4), 612-619, 2019 (pdf)

Efficiency of Average Treatment Effect Estimation When the True Propensity is Parametric,” Econometrics, 7(2), 1-13, 2019 (pdf)

Estimating Store Choices with Endogenous Shopping Bundles and Price Uncertainty,” (with Hyunchul Kim), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 54, 1-36, 2017 (pdf) (IJIO Best Paper Award, 2018)

A Simple Nonparametric Approach to Estimating the Distribution of Random Coefficients in Structural Models,” (with Jeremy Fox and Chenyu Yang), Journal of Econometrics, 195(2), 236-254, 2016 (pdf) (online appendix)

Estimating Production Functions with Control Functions When Capital Is Measured with Error,” (with Amil Petrin and Suyong Song), Journal of Econometrics, 190(2), 267-279, 2016 (pdf)

Higher Order Bias Correcting Moment Equation for M-Estimation and Its Higher Order Efficiency,” Econometrics, 4(4), 48, 2016 (pdf)

Tests for Price Endogeneity in Differentiated Product Models,” (with Amil Petrin), Journal of Econometric Methods, 4(1), 47-69, 2015 (pdf)

Identifying Combinatorial Valuations from Aggregate Demand,” (with Itai Sher), Journal of Economic Theory, 153, 428-458, 2014 (pdf)

Regression Discontinuity Design with Endogenous Covariates,” Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 24(4), 320-337, 2014 (NRF Excellent Article Award, 2014) (pdf)

A Rational Expectations Approach to Hedonic Price Regressions with Time-Varying Unobserved Product Attributes: The Price of Pollution,” (with Pat Bajari, Jane Cooley Fruehwirth, and Chris Timmins), American Economic Review, 102(5), 1898-1926, 2012 (pdf)

The Random Coefficient Logit Model is Identified,” (with Patrick Bajari, Jeremy Fox, and Stephen Ryan), Journal of Econometrics, 166(2), 1898-1926, 2012 (pdf)

A Simple Estimator for the Distribution of Random Coefficients,” (with Patrick Bajari, Jeremy Fox, and Stephen Ryan), Quantitative Economics, 2, 381-418, 2011 (pdf)

Semiparametric Information Bound of Dynamic Discrete Choice Models,” (with Moshe Buchinsky and Jinyong Hahn), Economics Letters, 108(2), 109-112, 2010 (pdf)

Specification Testing Under Moment Inequalities,” (with Patrik Guggenberger and Jinyong Hahn), Economics Letters, 99(2), 375-378, 2008 (pdf)

Uniform Convergence Rate of the SNP Density Estimator and Testing for Similarity of Two Unknown Densities,” Econometrics Journal, 10(1), 1-34, 2007 (pdf)

Sample Selection Model with a Common Dummy Endogenous Regressor in Simultaneous Equations: A Simple Two-Step Estimation,” Economics Letters, 91(2), 280-286, 2006 (pdf) (Matlab Code)

Working Papers

Control Function Corrections for Unobserved Factors in Differentiated Product Models,” (with Amil Petrin), conditionally accepted, Quantitative Marketing and Economics (pdf)

Production Function Estimation Robust to Flexible Timing of Labor Input,” (with Yao Luo and Yingjun Su) (pdf)

Identification and Estimation in Discrete Choice Demand Models when Endogenous Variables Interact with the Error,” (with Amit Gandhi and Amil Petrin) (pdf)

Nonparametric Estimation and Testing of the Symmetric IPV Framework with Unknown Number of Bidders,” (with Joonsuk Lee) (pdf)

Set Estimation and Inference for Models Characterized by Conditional Moment Inequalities,” (pdf)